Huh Teens, Tweens Suffer Hearing Loss (1180l) - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet Page 4


Vale Middle School Reading Article
Huh? Teens, tweens suffer hearing loss (1180L)
3. List three reasons today’s loud music has more of a detrimental effect on hearing loss than music of
the past. The exact answers are in the article. Do not guess.
4. One popular way to respond to news articles is through a blog. A blog is a place on the web where
individuals and groups can record opinions and information. Listed below is an example of a blog posted
about this article. In the space below either respond to this blog or create your own blog based on this
article. Your response should be a minimum of 3 sentences.
“Submitted by peytondms1 on Tuesday, 01/17/2012 - 15:54.
I definitely do not be one of the five teens who suffer from hearing loss. People do need to turn down
there music because if you can hear it out of the headphones its way too loud. Alot of people do it
and they need to stop before they have to wear hearing aids.”
Huh? Teens, tweens suffer hearing loss. Available at:
17, 2012


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