Huh Teens, Tweens Suffer Hearing Loss (1180l) - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet Page 2


Vale Middle School Reading Article
Huh? Teens, tweens suffer hearing loss (1180L)
Notes on my thoughts,
decibels — or sounds such as a whisper or rustling leaves. A teenager with slight
reactions and questions as I
hearing loss might not be able to hear water dripping or his mother whispering
"good night."
Those with slight hearing loss "will hear all of the vowel sounds clearly, but
might miss some of the consonant sounds" such as t, k and s.
While the researchers didn't single out iPods or any other device for blame, they
found a significant increase in high-frequency hearing loss, which they said may
indicate that noise caused the problems. And they cited a 2010 Australian study
that linked use of personal listening devices with a 70 percent increased risk of
hearing loss in children.
Loud music isn't new, of course. Each new generation of teenagers has found a
new technology to blast music — from the bulky headphones of the 1960s to the
handheld Sony Walkmans of the 1980s.
Today's young people are listening longer, more than twice as long as previous
generations, said Brian Fligor, an audiologist at Children's Hospital Boston. The
older technologies had limited battery life and limited music storage, he said.
One of Fligor's patients, 17-year-old Matthew Brady of Foxborough, Mass.,
recently was diagnosed with mild hearing loss. He has trouble hearing his
friends in the school cafeteria. He ends up faking comprehension.
"I laugh when they laugh," he said.
Fligor believes Brady's muffled hearing was caused by listening to an iPod
turned up too loud and for too long. After his mother had a heart attack, Brady's
pediatrician had advised him to exercise for his own health. So he cranked up the
volume on his favorites — John Mellencamp, Daughtry, Bon Jovi and U2 —
while walking on a treadmill at least four days a week for 30-minute stretches.
One day last summer, he got off the treadmill and found he couldn't hear
anything with his left ear. His hearing gradually returned, but was never the
Huh? Teens, tweens suffer hearing loss. Available at:
17, 2012


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