Ics Form 219-5 - Personnel Card T-Card White Page 3

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Block Title
Enter the crew’s current status:
• Assigned – Assigned to the incident
 Assigned
• O/S Rest – Out-of-service for rest/recuperation purposes/guidelines, or due to
 O/S Rest
operating time limits/policies for pilots, operators, drivers, equipment, or aircraft
 O/S Pers
• O/S Pers – Out-of-service for personnel reasons
 Available
• Available – Available to be assigned to the incident
 O/S Mech
• O/S Mech – Out-of-service for mechanical reasons
 ETR: _____
• ETR – Estimated time of return
Enter any additional information pertaining to the crew’s current location or status.
Prepared by
Enter the name of the person preparing the form. Enter the date (month/day/year) and
time prepared (using the 24-hour clock).


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