English Language Questions Worksheet Page 3


c. Actually
d. Maybe
2. a. Crucial
b. Resourceful
c. Important
d. Required
3. a. Advert
b. Advertising
c. Loyalty
d. Branding
4. a. Consistent
b. Consistently
c. Consider
d. Regularly
5. a. Loyal
b. Marketing
c. Selling
d. Loyalty
6. a. Potential
b. Wanted
c. Important
d. Potent
12)Whether in politics, professional sports, or in business, ’players’ 1. believe that because of their
importance they can ride out any issue or problem. They can’t. We can all easily tick off a dozen or
so examples, but the latest is surprising. Johnson & Johnson has 2. gone through a spate of recalls of
tainted children’s Tylenol and Motrin. The Company has generally kept a low profile and even
contracted with a third party to buy up Motrin off retail shelves rather than announce an actual recall.
And for the last decade it has been settling with claimants for a variety of injuries and death
allegedly due from Ortho Evra, a contraceptive 3. made by its subsidiary, Ortho McNeil. It appears
clear that the current management of J&J has not followed in the footsteps of the management that
handled the Tylenol crisis of 1982 which is 4. cited as the quintessential example of crisis
management in modern corporate history. Back then cyanide had been found in bottles of Tylenol in
the Chicago area. J&J immediately issued public warnings, issued a product recall, created tamper-
proof packaging, and before long was back in business.The Company was up-front and willing to bite
the bullet in the best interests of the public. Unfortunately that does not 5. to be the philosophy
today. There is clearly a danger in believing one’s invincibility. The trust and respect of the public is
at stake, and once lost, is very difficult to retrieve.
1. a. Yet


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