Tv May Improve Behavior In Kids (1220l) - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet Page 3


Vale Middle School Reading Article
TV May Improve Behavior in Kids (1220L)
Comprehension questions – answers may be in phrases.
1. Prior to what age do children develop attitudes about violence?
2. How many families were recruited and assigned to the study?
3. List two appropriate television programs, according to the author.
4. List two of Vic Strasburger’s professions.
5. How many hours of television does the average preschooler watch, according to the text?
2. Answer each question in one or more complete sentences.
1. What does “frequently implicated” mean?
2. What is another word for imitate used in the text. What does imitate mean?
3. In your own words explain the quote “Better shows, better kids?”
7/8.RL 1,4
Wade, L.TV May Improve Behavior in Kids. CNN News. February 18, 2013.


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