Most Unusual Prisons In The World - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet


Vale Middle School Reading Article
Most Unusual Prisons in the World
Read the following article carefully and make notes in the margin as you read.
Your notes should include:
o Comments that show that you understand the article. (A summary or statement of the main
idea of important sections may serve this purpose.)
o Questions you have that show what you are wondering about as you read.
o Notes that differentiate between fact and opinion.
o Observations about how the writer’s strategies (organization, word choice, perspective,
support) and choices affect the article.
Your margin notes are part of your score for this assessment.
Answer the questions carefully in complete sentences unless otherwise instructed.
Student ____________________________Class Period__________________
10 Most Unusual Prisons in the World
Notes on my thoughts,
reactions and questions as I
A prison is a place where people are confined and deprived of many personal freedoms. If
one commits a crime, a person found guilty is sent to prison if the state imposes so. Prison is
often referred to with other terms such as a penitentiary, remand center, correctional facility
or a detention center.
This prison is located in California and it is the most famous prison in the world. The prison
is also referred to as ‘Rock’ and has been featured in many different movies. The prison is
situated in the middle of the San Francisco Bay. The prison served as a lighthouse, a
military fortification, a military prison and then finally, a federal prison in the year 1963.
During the 29 years of operation, no prisoner could ever escape from the prison. It is
surrounded by water, what do you expect?
The inmates in this prison solve all their problems through boxing; I believe this is not
healthy for the criminal himself. The interesting bit is that the prison has seen no violence in
around ten years. Moreover, the prison has excellent arts programs that train and teach the
prisoners. They can then sell their work to the tourists. The warden says, “When there is a
disagreement, we have the inmates involved put on the gloves and get into the boxing ring,
after about two rounds the dispute is over.” The prison is located in Mexico.
It is the first prison of its kind; it’s ecological. This prison is situated in Norway. Ecological
has nothing to do with the type of criminals in this place; it is still home to notorious
criminals. The prison uses solar panels in order to produce energy and most of the food
supplies are produced in the prison (or around it) as well. The solar panels cut the third-party
electricity needs by 70% which I think is pretty good. The food is also good quality and the
leftover food is sold to other prisons. So they are making quite a good amount of money and
10 most unusual prisons in the world. June 21, 2012. Available at


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