Arizona Form 309
2. The other state or country allows Arizona residents
required to file a return with that country, include
credit for taxes paid on income subject to tax by the
documentation showing the amount of tax imposed and
other state or country and Arizona.
Arizona nonresidents who file resident returns with the
2. If the tax is paid in a foreign currency, a statement
following states qualify for the credit:
substantiating the conversion rate on the date of
payment. Identify your authority for your conversion
California, Indiana, Oregon, and Virginia.
NOTE: This list is subject to change at any time.
Line-by-Line Instructions
Part-Year Residents
Enter your name and SSN as shown on Arizona Form 140,
For that part of the year you were a resident of Arizona,
Form 140NR, Form 140PY, or Form 140X.
follow the instructions for residents.
Make sure that every return, statement, or document that you
For that part of the year you were an Arizona nonresident,
file with the department has your SSN. Failing to include the
follow the instructions for nonresidents.
proper numbers may subject you or your preparer to a penalty.
Make sure that all of the required identification numbers are
Dual Resident
clear and correct. Your return may take longer to process if
You may be eligible to claim the credit if you are a full-year
identification numbers are missing, incorrect, or unclear.
Arizona resident filing Arizona Form 140 and you are also
If your name appears first on the return, make sure your
considered to be a resident of another state under the laws of
SSN is the first number listed.
that other state. Figure your credit for taxes paid to Arizona
Part 1 - Computation of Income Subject to
and that other state on the same income that is taxable by
Tax by Both Arizona and the Other State
both Arizona and the other state, but only on income that
would be sourced to the other state if you had to report that
or Country During 2014
income as a nonresident.
If you are claiming a credit for income taxes paid to another
You may claim the credit as a dual resident if you meet the
state, enter in the space provided, the two-letter abbreviation
for that state. See the last page of these instructions for a list
of state abbreviations.
1. You are filing a 2014 full-year Arizona resident income
If you are claiming a credit for income taxes paid to another
tax return.
country, enter the name of that country on the line provided.
2. You are considered to be a resident of another state
In order for income to be taxed by both Arizona and another
under the laws of that other state.
state or country, the following must exist.
3. You paid a net income tax to that other state.
For an Arizona resident:
An Arizona resident who is also considered to be a resident
1. The same income must be taxed by both Arizona and
of another state under the laws of that state is allowed a
credit against Arizona income taxes for net income taxes
the other state or country; and
imposed by and paid to that other state if the following
2. The income must have its source within the other state
or country.
1. The other state taxes the income of the Arizona resident
For a nonresident:
and does not allow the Arizona resident a credit for
taxes imposed on income subject to tax in both Arizona
1. The same income must be taxed by both Arizona and
and the other state.
the other state or country; and
2. The credit is allowed only for taxes imposed on income
2. The income must have its source within Arizona.
that would have been sourced to the other state if the
Lines 1 through 6 -
Arizona resident had filed as a nonresident to the other
Provide a breakdown of your income which is subject to
tax in both Arizona and the other state or country.
If you are an Arizona full-year resident and also
Complete lines 1 through 5 separately for each income
considered to be a resident of another state under the
item listed in columns (a) through (c). If you have more
laws of that other state, complete the Schedule of Income
than three items of income from the other state or country
Allocation, on page 2 of Form 309 before you complete
for which you are claiming the credit, complete additional
page 1 of Form 309.
Required Forms
If you are an Arizona resident who is also considered to
be a resident of another state under the laws of that other
If you are claiming a credit for taxes paid to another state,
state, complete the Schedule of Income Allocation, on page
you must include a copy of the tax return filed to the other
2 of Form 309 before you complete Part I, lines 1 through 6
of Form 309.
If you are claiming a credit for taxes paid to a foreign
Line 1 -
country, include the following information with your
Identify the income item from which the income subject to
Arizona income tax return.
tax in both Arizona and the other state or country is
1. A copy of the tax return you filed to the foreign country.
derived. If you have more than one income item, complete
If you are claiming a credit for taxes paid to a foreign
column(s) (b) and (c), as necessary. Examples of such
country for amounts withheld at the source, and are not
income are business income, partnership income, wages, etc.