Arizona Form 309 Instructions - Credit For Taxes Paid To Another State Or Country - 2014


Arizona Form
2014 Credit for Taxes Paid to Another State or Country
Phone Numbers
Application of Credit
Claim this credit only if the income was subject to tax in
For information or help, call one of the numbers listed:
both Arizona and the other state or country in the same tax
(602) 255-3381
From area codes 520 and 928, toll-free
(800) 352-4090
You cannot apply this credit against interest or penalties
Tax forms, instructions, and other tax information
payable to Arizona.
If you need tax forms, instructions, and other tax
NOTE: You may use this credit only in the year incurred.
You cannot carry the credit forward to the next year. You
also cannot carry the credit back to a prior year.
Income Tax Procedures and Rulings
These instructions may refer to the department’s income tax
Arizona Resident
procedures and rulings for more information. To view or
Arizona residents are allowed a credit against Arizona
print these, go to our website and click on Legal Research
income taxes for net income taxes imposed by and paid to
then click on Procedures or Rulings and select a tax type
another state or country if the following apply.
from the drop down menu.
1. The income taxed in Arizona is derived from sources
Publications and Brochures
within another state or country. This income is subject
To view or print the department’s publications and
to a net income tax in the other state or country
regardless of your residence.
brochures, go to our website and click on Publications.
2. The other state or country does not allow Arizona
Purpose of Form
residents a credit for taxes imposed on income subject
to tax in both Arizona and the other state or country.
Use Arizona Form 309 to figure your credit for taxes paid to
As an Arizona resident, nonresident returns filed with the
Arizona and another state or country on the same income. If
following states qualify for the credit:
claiming a credit for more than one state or country, make a
separate computation for each state or country.
Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
If you are not sure what amounts you should enter on Form
Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,
309, the department has issued an income tax procedure
Minnesota*, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska,
(ITP) to help you figure out what amounts you should use.
New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North
For more information, see the department’s procedure, ITP
Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
08-1, Procedure for Calculating Credit for Taxes Paid to
Another State or Country by Arizona Resident Individuals.
South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and
NOTE: You must notify the department immediately if the
*Minnesota sources the sale of certain partnership interests
other state or country credits or refunds taxes for which you
have received an Arizona credit. In this case, you must file
to Minnesota. Minnesota allows an Arizona resident a credit
an amended return.
for taxes paid to Minnesota for the sale of a partnership
interest that is subject to Minnesota tax. As an Arizona
Complete this form only if you meet the following.
resident, you cannot claim this credit for taxes paid to
1. You are filing a 2014 Arizona income tax return.
Minnesota on the sale of a partnership interest that is
2. You paid a net income tax to another qualified state or
sourced to Minnesota.
country for 2014.
NOTE: This list is subject to change at any time.
If you are claiming a credit for taxes paid to another
state, payroll taxes withheld from income do not
Important: As an Arizona resident, nonresident returns
constitute a net income tax. Having tax withheld from
filed with the following states DO NOT QUALIFY for
your pay by Arizona and another state does not by itself
the credit:
qualify you for this credit. You must file a net income
Alaska, California, District of Columbia, Florida,
tax return to the other state.
Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, South
If you are claiming a credit for taxes paid to another
Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington and
country, a net income tax paid to another country
includes those taxes that qualify for a credit under
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) §§ 901 and 903.
NOTE: To claim a credit for taxes paid to a foreign country,
you must complete Form 309. You must complete Form 309
A credit against Arizona income taxes is allowed for
even if you did not have to complete federal Form 1116 to
claim a credit on your federal return.
Arizona nonresidents who are not allowed a credit by their
state or country of residence for taxes paid to Arizona if
You may not claim this credit for the following.
1. Income taxes paid to any city or county.
1. The other state or country does not tax Arizona
2. Interest or penalties paid to another state or country.
residents on income derived from sources within the
NOTE: If you file an amended return after you claim this
other state or country.
credit, be sure to recalculate the credit, if required.


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