Form 108 - Manufacturer'S Sales/use Tax Return


Please return form to:
State of Wyoming
Revenue, Excise Tax Dept.
122 West 25th Street, 2-West
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
Manufacturer’s Sales/Use Tax Return Form 108
Fax: 307-777-3632
Manufacturing Machinery Exemption
Per Wyoming Statutes Titles 39-15-105 & 39-16-105, this
Phone: 307-777-2459
form must be completed and returned by September 30,
This form may also be completed online by going to:
Company Name:
DBA Name:
(Doing Business As)
Email Address:
WY License Number or RID (if applicable)
NAICS code(s), four or more digits, i.e. 3112 :
The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal and state
agencies to organize establishments into industries on the basis of the activity in which they are primarily
engaged. To find your NAICS Code, if unknown, please visit: If
your NAICS code does not fall between 3111 and 3399, stop here and sign affidavit at bottom.
If you are unsure of your NAICS code, please provide a detailed description of the process your
business uses to produce products. (Even if you hand-produce individual items or modify other
products, you may be categorized as a manufacturer under NAICS).
Purchases or leases of machinery (including machine tools and parts thereof or materials purchased for
the repair/construction of machinery) are exempt from state sales/use tax when the machinery will be
used directly and predominantly in manufacturing in Wyoming, subject to stipulations outlined in W.S.
39-15-105 and W.S. 39-16-105.*
Amount of Exempt Purchases for Machinery, Tools,
Parts, and Machinery Materials (as per W.S. 39-15-105
and W.S. 39-16-105) for the period of July 1st, 2012
(See *Definitions on back for qualifications)
through June 30th, 2013. (If zero, please enter $0.00)
I ___________________________________________________ (Authorized agent of company), certify
that the company named on this form is entitled to the sales and use tax exemption on purchases of
machinery or machine tools to be used in manufacturing, as per W.S. 39-15-105 and 39-16-105. I further
certify that the Company Information, NAICS Information, and Exempt Purchases Information provided
above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Information obtained is confidential, and will only be distributed in
ETS Form 108, rev. 06/08/12
aggregate form.


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