Senior Citizen Homeowners' Exemption (Sche) Initial Application For 2017/18 - New York Department Of Finance Page 2


Initial Application Information: Please read but do not submit with your application.
2. Owner Information
This section must be completed for all owners of the property (each person on the deed or stock certificate).
Information for all owners is required even if not all of the owners live on the property.
Indicate if the property is the primary residence for each owner. If the property is not the primary residence for an
owner, or if the owner is absent from the property due to receiving medical care in a health care facility or due to
divorce, legal separation or abandonment, you must submit proof with the application.
– Social Security Numbers or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) must be included.
– Indicate the relationship of the owner to other owners of the property.
3. Income Information
Proof of Income
In the box provided on page 3, indicate the Total Combined Income for all owners and spouses,
regardless of where they live, for calendar year 2016. If 2016 income is not available, you can use income for 2015.
(The income of a spouse may be excluded if absent from the residence due to divorce, legal separation or
abandonment.) Please note: This is not your Federal Adjusted Gross Income.
Income Sources
a. All Social Security payments
(must be full amount received
and not the taxable amount)
b. Dividends
c. Capital gains
d. Gains from sales or exchanges
e. Payments from governmental or
private retirement or pension plans
f. IRA and Annuity Earnings
g. Salaries and wages
(including bonuses)
*Allowable Deductions:
Total Income Sources
(add lines a–m)
– Unreimbursed medical and prescription drug expenses.
This does not include unpaid expense bills.
*Unreimbursed medical and
If you filed the 1040 Federal Tax Return and completed a
prescription drug expenses
schedule A, we can use the information on the schedule
for paid unreimbursed medical or prescription expenses.
You do not have to send in the receipts.
Total Combined Income
Total Combined Income does not include:
– IRA distributions
– Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
– Cash Assistance (Public Assistance)
– Gifts, inheritances
– Reverse mortgage proceeds (but any interest
– Return of capital
or dividends realized from the investment of such
– Nazi persecution reparation payments
proceeds are income)
– Federal Foster Grandparent Program payment
4. Certification
All owners must sign and date the application whether or not they reside at the property.


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