Form Dscb:15-8433 - Certificate Of Partnership Authority/amendment/cancellation Page 3

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DSCB:15-8433 – Instructions
Pennsylvania Department of State
Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations
P.O. Box 8722
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8722
(717) 787-1057
cancel partnership authority, complete Section I and Section
General Information
IV. Do not complete any combination of Section II, III, or
Typewritten is preferred. If handwritten, the form must be
legible and completed in black or blue-black ink in order to
permit reproduction. The nonrefundable filing fee for this
Section I. This field is always required.
form is $70.
Checks should be made payable to the Department of State.
I. 1. Give the exact name of the partnership. The name on this
Checks must contain a commercially pre-printed name and
line must match exactly the partnership name if on file with
the Department at the time the Certificate/Amendment/
Termination of Partnership Authority is submitted for filing.
This form and all accompanying documents, including any
This field is required.
necessary governmental approvals, shall be mailed to the
address stated above.
I. 2. Current address. The address provided must be the
address of the partnership’s principal place of business if the
partnership is a domestic general partnership or limited
Who should file this form?
liability partnership (a) or the partnership’s registered office
This form may be used by a general partnership to set forth,
address (b) as on file with the Department of State at the time
amend or cancel partnership authority. Each partner is an
the Certificate/Amendment/Termination of Partnership
agent of the partnership for the purpose of its business. An act
Authority is submitted for filing, if the partnership is a
of a partner, including the signing of an instrument in the
registered foreign limited liability partnership. This field is
partnership name, for apparently carrying on in the ordinary
course the partnership business or business of the kind carried
on by the partnership binds the partnership, unless the partner
Post office boxes are not acceptable for any address. Under
did not have authority to act for the partnership in the
15 Pa.C.S. § 135(c) (relating to addresses) an actual street or
particular matter and the person with which the partner was
rural route box number must be used as an address, and the
dealing knew or had notice that the partner lacked authority.
Department of State is required to refuse to receive or file any
This statutory apparent authority may be altered by the filing
document that sets forth only a post office box address.
or recording of a Certificate of Partnership Authority under 15
Pa.C.S. § 8433, which establishes the mechanics for and the
Section II. This field is required in addition to Section I only
legal effect of filing or recording a Certificate of Partnership
if the general partnership is stating partnership authority.
II. 1. This field is required if the partnership is delegating
Applicable Law
authority to a position, rather than a specific person. List the
For relations of partners to persons dealing with partnership,
title of the position that will possess the delegated authority.
in general, see 15 Pa.C.S. §§ 8431-8438. Statutes are
Check one or both boxes indicating which authority will be
available on the Pennsylvania General Assembly website,
delegated to the listed position. Other specifications or
, by following the link for Statutes.
limitations may be provided, per the partnership’s preference.
Additional pages may be attached as needed. If the
Form Instructions
partnership would like to delegate authority to multiple
Enter the name and mailing address to which any
positions, attach additional pages as needed.
correspondence regarding this filing should be sent. This field
must be completed for the Bureau to return the filing. If the
II. 2. This field is required if the partnership is delegating
filing is to be returned by email, an email address must be
authority to a specific individual, rather than a position.
provided. An email will be sent to address provided,
Provide the name of the individual that will possess the
containing a link and instructions on how a copy of the filed
delegated authority. Check one or both boxes indicating
document or correspondence may be downloaded. Any email
which authority will be delegated to the listed individual.
or mailing addresses provided on this form will become part
Other specifications or limitations may be provided, per the
of the filed document and therefore public record.
partnership’s preference. Additional pages may be attached as
needed. If the partnership would like to delegate authority to
Section I. is required whether setting forth, amending or
multiple individuals, attach additional pages as needed.
cancelling partnership authority. To state partnership
authority, complete Section I and Section II. To amend
Section III. This field is required in addition to Section I
partnership authority, complete Section I and Section III. To
only if the general partnership is amending a Certificate of


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