Expedited Plan Review Application - City Of Salem Building And Safety Division Page 2

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The fees for expedited plan review are in addition to the standard plan review and permit fees. A third-party
provider may be employed to meet the requested timelines.
Building & Safety (charged at $150/hr, 2-hr minimum)
Planning (charged at $195/hr)
Fire (charged at $86.22/hr, 2-hr minimum)
Public Works (no charge)
Third-party service provider (actual cost)
City of Salem Request response (for office use; completed after request submission)
Staff responding to request
Date of response to request
Request response
Unable to grant request because:
Request approved with following fee estimate:
Building & Safety plan review estimated fee:
Planning plan review estimated fee:
Fire plan review estimated fee:
Total estimated fee:
Electronic signature certification: By attaching an electronic signature (whether typed, graphical or free form)
I certify herein that I have read, understood and confirm all the statements listed above and throughout the
application form. I agree (initials): ______
Payment agreement: By signing below, I acknowledge that I understand and agree I will be charged the rates
indicated in this agreement including any costs related to hiring outside professional services and any staff
overtime. I understand these charges are in addition to the standard fees. I understand and agree that no "special
relationship is created between the permit applicant and the City of Salem, as defined by Oregon law. I further
understand and agree that the City of Salem assumes no liability in any way connected with the processing,
approval, or provision of the Expedited Plan Review requested.
Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________________________
Print Name: _____________________________________________
Date: ________________________
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IAS - 11/30/17
Expedited Plan Review Request - Page 2 of 2


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