The Marketing Plan Template Page 14


6. Does your current marketing strategy support this price position?
Action Plan
1. Goals
Identify your goal(s) for each segment or market. Your goals and objectives should be
concrete, measurable and realistic.
• To increase sales volume by X% or Y$ within existing customer base.
• To increase sales volume by X% or Y$ generating new customers.
• To increase sales volume by X% or Y$ getting customers to use the product/service
more often
• To enhance image, name recognition, reputation.
• To introduce a new product or service (same area, new area).
2. Strategy
A strategy is the general approach you will take to achieve a goal. The following list of
common marketing strategies may help your thinking:
• Personal sales calls
• New logo, letterhead package, company brochure
• Direct mail
• Newsletters
• Print advertising (newspapers, consumer magazines, trade journals)
• Media advertising (radio, television)
• Trade show exhibits
• Public relations (trade press, speechmaking, feature articles, community
relations/community activities)
• Networking
• Discounts for large volume customers
Don't try to implement all possible strategies at once. Choose one or two strategies to
achieve each of your goals. In your selection, consider what you know about your product,
competitors and customers, based on your information above. Also keep in mind your
resources of time, budget and staff. For example, although a major television campaign might
increase visibility for your business, can you afford the production and airtime costs? Is
television the most cost efficient way to target your customers?


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