Bible Studies In Revelation 2-7-17 Activity Sheet With Answers


Studies in Revelation 2:7-17
Church in Smyrna, Poor, Blameless: Pergamos suffered Balaam’s Doctrine
yes_ 1. Is there significance in Christ “was dead – is alive”? (1Peter 3:18-
1. Tell what you know of the city of Smyrna: _
verses 8 -
11_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Give the Lord’s introduction to the church? 1_
yes_ 2. Could persecution contribute to the poverty of the church?
the first and the last
_ 2_
who was dead and is alive
_ _ _ _ _ _
(Hebrews 10:34)
2. In what things is Christ first? (John 1:1-3; Acts 26:23; Col. 1:18) _ _
yes_ 3. Does the devil use men and doctrine in opposing the church?
In the beginning, the Creator, in preeminence over all
_ _ _ _ _ Last?
(1Cor. 15:24; Matt. 24:35) _
Coming at the end, judgment
_ _
No _ 4. Does Christ entice people, telling them of an easy physical future?
3. What terms suggest Smyrna was a suffering church? 1_
_ 2_
Yes 5. Will a sword with two edges cut two ways? (2Cor. 2:14-16)
(poverty), or
How may a church be poor, yet rich?
(Luke 12:13-21) _
rich in godliness
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
no _ 6. Is Christ ignorant of adverse conditions surrounding the church?
4. What was in Smyrna’s future? _ _
more suffering, some cast in prison,
No _ 7. Do you know what the doctrine of the Nicolaitans was?
_ _ What is the church told to do? 1_
fear not, be faithful
Yes 8. Does Christ give us both the choice of action and the result of it.
until death
_ Be given what? _
a crown of life
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
yes_ 9. Must one be faithful unto death to escape the second?
5. Give the Lord’s introduction to the church at Pergamos? _
the one
having the sharp two-edged sword
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ What is this sword?
No _ 10. Is any good reward ever promised one who fails to overcome?
(Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12; Rev. 19:15) _
the Word of Truth
_ _ _ _ _ _
6. List two things Jesus said, “I know” in Pergamos. 1 _
their works
where you dwell
_ __ _ _ Whose seat was there? _
_ _ Who
was Antipas? _
a faithful martyr
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ 1. Christ condemned the church for being rich, praised it for being in
7. For what is the church in Pergamos commended? 1_
holding fast His
(He said He
_ 2_
not denying the faith
_ _ _ _ _ _ What did the Lord have
T _ 2. The sword is a symbol of authority – of life and death. (Romans
against the church there? _
some holding the doctrine of Balaam
_ _
8. What was the doctrine of Balaam? (Num. 25:1-10; 31:16)
1_to eat
things offered to idols
_ 2_
to commit fornication
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
F_ _ 3. It is foolish for one to suffer and die for the church of Christ.
Why did Balaam so teach Balak? (Jude 11) _
for reward
_ _ _ _ _ _
F_ _ 4. The name, faith, doctrine of Christ have no bearing on our
9. What did Jesus say, “I hate”? _
the doctrine of the Nicolaitans
_ _ _
What is the church commanded to do? _ repent _ _ _ _ What was the
T_ _ 5. False doctrine and practice of a few hinders the whole church.
alternative? _
He would come quickly, fight against them with sword of His mouth
F_ _ 6. One who refuses to repent is for Christ and Christ is for him.
10. List things promised to him that “overcomes”. 1_
eat of hidden manna
_ 2_
given a white stone
_ 3_
a new name
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4_
a name
T_ _ 7. Only he who is a Christians knows what it means to be one.
which no man knew except him receiving it
_ _ _ _
(Suggestion: Put the verse number that provides the answer in the margin.)


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