Studies In Revelation 6-1-17 Bible Activity Sheet Page 2


Studies in Revelation 6"1-17
_ _ _ 1. The sealed Book was the Book of: 1) life; 2) the future;
_ _ _
1. Lamb
___Color of the first horse
3) Mormons; and as opened, John saw first event under the:
_ _ _
2. Creatures
___Rider of the black horse had
4) first; 5) sixth; 6) seventh; seal.
_ _ _
3. Bow
___Color of the third horse
_ _ _ 2. Symbolized under the first seal is a period of: 1) conquest;
_ _ _
4. Sword
___Opened the seals of the Book
2) defeat; 3) famine; and under the second: 4) bloodshed; 5) peace;
6) victory.
_ _ _
5. Balance
___Rider of the first horse had
_ _ _ 3. The third seal symbolized a period of: 1) plenty; 2) peace and good
_ _ _
6. Death
___Color of the second horse
will; 3) famine; and the fourth seal symbolizes: 4) love; 5) death;
_ _ _
7. White
___Voice like thunder
6) security.
_ _ _
8. Red
___Color of fourth horse
_ _ _ 4. Death is said to kill by: 1) the sword; 2) hunger; 3) wild beasts.
_ _ _
9. Black
___Rider of the red horse given
_ _ _ 5. The fifth seal symbolizes: 1) Christ’s church waging carnal
_ _ _ 10. Pale
___Rode the pale horse
warfare; 2) persecution, martyrdom of saints; 3) wicked men’s
love for the church.
_ _ _ 6. Souls slain for the Word of God were: 1) under the altar; 2) in the
outer court; 3) in Hell; and were in: 4) an unconscious state;
_ _ _
1. Souls
___Given God’s martyrs
5) torment; 6) rest.
_ _ _
2. Rest
___Black as sackcloth
_ _ _ 7. The sixth seal symbolizes: 1) victory for the persecutors; 2) God’s
wrath and judgment against the persecutors of His people; 3) a
_ _ _
3. Killed
___Mountains, islands were
peaceful time for all.
_ _ _
4. Robes
___Saved souls have
_ _ _ 8. Changes in earthquake, heaven, mountains, etc. in the Old
_ _ _
5. Earth
___Men sought to hide in
Testament symbolized: 1) nothing; 2) political and national
upheavals, revolutions; 3) a shower of meteors.
_ _ _
6. Sun
___Slain for the word of God
( Isaiah 13:1-13 ).
_ _ _ 9. Those who fear the Lamb’s wrath are: 1) souls slain for God’s
_ _ _
7. Heaven
___Day of Lamb’s wrath
Word; 2) saints alive on earth; 3) Old Testament characters;
_ _ _
8. Moved
___Brethren of martyrs to be
4) enemies of Christ.
_ _ _
9. Dens
_ _ 10. When the wrath of God and the Lamb is loosed, only the: 1) rich;
_ _ _ 10. Great
___Departed as a scroll
2) saints; 3) kings; can stand, and none find safety in: 4) dens;
5) rocks; 6) mountains.
[Note: The slain souls under the altar were bodiless spirits and until the
resurrection of their bodies from the grave, at Christ’s last coming, what
were they given to cloth their souls? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.]


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