Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts Form Page 2


Spiritual Gifts Worksheet – Page 1
Place Scores in the Shaded Box Next to the Statement
1. I like to organize and plan.
2. I want to spend time with unbelievers so I can share my faith.
3. I enjoy being asked to share advice or being an encouragement
to others.
4. It is important to me that the money I give to the church is used
as effectively as possible.
5. I am more strongly motivated by the idea of meeting a need
than performing the task.
6. I prefer to be led by others.
7. I enjoy setting goals and then making plans to meet those
8. I rapidly meet the needs of others for help.
9. I have the ability to make strangers feel at ease.
10. Teaching that can’t be applied bothers me.
11. I thrive on organizing people, ideas and resources to improve
12. I have an overwhelming desire to share the gospel with
13. I like assisting others in resolving difficult questions in their
14. I notice when others have a material or financial need.
15. I like having people visit my home.
16. I enjoy meeting non-Christians, even total strangers.
17. I trust that God will meet all of my needs so that I can give
sacrificially a portion of all my income.
18. I enjoy welcoming guests and making them feel comfortable.
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