Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts Form


Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
This worksheet is designed to assist you in identifying your strengths as specifically
related to ministry and service in the local church. Its primary purpose is to enable you to
identify areas of ministry for which you are most likely gifted. It is not designed to be an
exhaustive analysis of spiritual gifts, but rather to highlight areas of strength based on
what you feel motivates you spiritually.
You will fill in a “score” on the worksheet in the box corresponding to the statement
number based on the following scoring system:
How This Statement Best Describes Me
I am seldom or never this way
I am usually not this way
I am this way some of the time
I am this way most or all of the time
Keep in mind when you score yourself that most of these are desirable traits for a
Christian to have, and giving yourself a 0 or a 1 on a particular trait does not mean that
you are unspiritual, but rather that it is not a primary motivating factor for you as an
Add up your scores for each column at the bottom of the worksheet pages. Transfer these
totals to the Gifts Analysis page for each associated column. Take note in particular of
the columns having the higher scores. These are probably representative of areas in which
you are most gifted or motivated.
The contents of this worksheet are for your information only. Therefore, be honest and
open in evaluating yourself. Remember that while we should all have good qualities as
Christians, there are differences in motives and in how we express the unique character
that each of us has been gifted with by God.
As a member of the body of Christ, you are very crucial to the overall health and strength
of the body. We will only function as effectively as God intends if each member is doing
its part. That is why we have a strong conviction that each member have a place in active
ministry, and we hope that this worksheet will be helpful in finding that place of service
that God intends for you.


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