Schedule 501a - Terminal Operator'S Schedule Of Receipts Page 2

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Instructions for Completing
Terminal Operator’s Schedule of Receipts
Schedule 501A
Before You Begin:
Enter your identifying information as it is reflected on your Indiana Fuel Tax License.
(Be certain to complete a separate schedule for each fuel product type that you check.)
Column Instructions:
Columns 1 and 2: Enter the name and Federal Employer’s Identification Number (FEIN) of the company that
transports the fuel. This may be you.
Column 3: Enter the mode of transport. One of the following codes should be used for each entry.
= Truck
P L = Pipeline
= Rail
= Barge
ST = Stock Transfer
BA = Book Adjustment
= Ship (Great Lakes or Ocean Vessel)
Columns 4, 5, 6 and 7: Enter the position holder’s information as well as the shipping document date and
The Position Holder is the person who owns/leases storage space in the terminal.
Column 8: Enter the net gallons received. The grand total of all Schedule 501A, Column 8, should be carried to
the FT-501, Terminal Operator’s Monthly Return.
You must subtotal by position holder on the Schedule 501A and carry these subtotals to Schedule
FT-501I, Column 4.


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