Girl Readiness And Behavioral Agreement Form

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Girl Readiness and Behavioral Agreement Form
This form can be used by Girl Scouts to encourage appropriate
behavior during troop/group meetings and activities. This form
can also be used as a guide for troops/groups that are
developing their own behavioral agreements.
As a Girl Scout, I realize that behaving appropriately and having a positive attitude is necessary in order for me to have a
good experience in Girl Scouting. I also realize that behaving appropriately and having a positive attitude helps the
people I interact with to also have a good experience in Girl Scouting. Consequently, I agree to abide by the following:
I will be sensitive to the needs of everyone in my troop/group.
I will respect the people that I interact with and the places that I visit.
I will not use abusive or profane language.
I understand that my using alcohol, tobacco, or drugs during a Girl Scout meeting or activity will not be tolerated,
and that I will be expelled from the activity or meeting if I do so.
I will be responsible for my personal belongings and equipment and I will not hold my troop/group or the
Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital responsible for any losses or damages due to my negligence or neglect.
I will treat all equipment provided for my use with care. I understand that I will be assessed for damages to any
equipment in the event that my use of such equipment is negligent or abusive.
I will use all required safety equipment and follow safety rules and procedures.
I will fulfill my share of daily responsibilities such as food preparation, setting up camp, cleaning up, and shopping.
I will let the adults who are responsible for me know where I am at all times and I will follow the buddy system.
I understand that if I am sent home early due to any misconduct, it will be at my parent or guardian’s expense and
that the adults who are responsible for me will make the travel arrangements and notify my parent or guardian of
those plans.
Girl Signature:
As the parent or guardian, I am aware of and agree to the expectations listed above for how my daughter is expected to
behave in Girl Scouting.
Parent/Guardian Signature:
This form is available online at
Last Updated: February 2014


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