Girl Scout Gold Award Supplemental Form Page 6


Projects are reviewed by the Gold Award Panel during the second or third week of the month, with the option for an in-
person presentation. To schedule your presentation, please visit
and search ‘panel presentation’ on
the Events calendar. The deadline for registering for a presentation is the same as the deadline for submitting your
proposal, which is the first working day of the month.
Notification of your Gold Award proposal decision is both mailed and emailed by the end of the month your proposal
has been reviewed. Please do not call or email Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital for information on your proposal. You may
not, under any circumstances, begin the Take Action part of your project (Girl Scout Gold Award Step Six)
until you receive council approval.
When submitting your Girl Scout Gold Award Project Proposal through GoGold Online, make sure to also
include the following, all of which is due by 5:00 pm on the first working day of the month:
Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital Gold Award Supplemental Form (this document)
A letter of endorsement from your Project Advisor or a member of the organization that your Gold
Award Project will benefit
The letter of endorsement is a letter, in both form and content, explaining that the Project Advisor/organization
is aware of your Gold Award project and will be supporting you while you complete the project. Email
communication should not be submitted as an alternative to the endorsement letter.
Notify your Troop Leader and Project Advisor of your Gold Award Proposal submission.
Have you attended a Gold Award Workshop? If so, where/when was it held? If you don’t remember
when/where it was held, who led it?
Do you have an Individualized Education Program (IEP), Individual Services Plan (ISP) or 504 Plan? Is there
any way that the Council can make the Gold Award process more accessible for you? Please explain below.
Our Teen Program Specialist, Andraea LaVant, will be notified of your response. If you will need assistance in
this process, please contact her at
or 202-274-3336. (Question Optional)
As a girl member of the Girl Scouts of the USA and a member of the Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital, I
pledge to complete my Gold Award project upholding the tenets and values in the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
GIRL SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________
Typed signatures are accepted on this form
This form is available online at
Last Updated: October 2017


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