Minnesota Income Tax Withholding Instruction Booklet And Tax Tables - 2018 Page 3


What’s New
Interest Rate
Due Date Change for Reconciliation
Due Date Change for Annual Filers
The 2018 interest rate is 4 (.04) percent.
Employers with a withholding history of
The due date for Form W-2 information
less than $500 per year are eligible to file
Tax Law Changes
and required Form 1099 information is now
and pay their Withholding Tax annually.
For detailed information on tax law
January 31. This date also matches IRS
The due date for the Withholding Tax
changes, go to our website and choose Tax
reporting requirements.
annual return and payment is now January
Law Changes on the home page.
The due date for Form ETA, Nonresident
Military Retirement Pay
Entertainer Tax Promoter’s Annual
Individuals receiving certain types of mili-
Reconciliation, is also January 31.
tary pensions or other military retirement
pay may claim exempt from Minnesota
withholding on this income by providing
you with a completed Minnesota Form
Register for a Minnesota Tax ID Number
You must register to file withholding tax if
• You make mining and exploration royalty
To register for a Minnesota tax ID
any of the following are true:
payments on which you are required to
number, go to our website. If you do not
withhold Minnesota taxes
have Internet access, contact Business
• You have employees and anticipate with-
Registration (see page 2).
holding tax from their wages in the next
• You are a corporation with corporate
30 days
officers performing services in Minnesota
Note: If your business currently has
who will have withholding from their
• You agree to withhold Minnesota taxes
a Minnesota tax ID number for other
when you are not required to withhold
Minnesota taxes, you can add a withholding
tax account to your number. To update your
If you do not register before you start with-
• You pay nonresident employees to do
business information, log into e-Services or
holding tax, you may be assessed a $100
work for you in Minnesota (see “Excep-
contact Business Registration (see page 2).
tions” on page 4)
Employers Using Payroll Services
As an employer, you are responsible for
We are required to notify you of any under-
Payroll service companies (also known as
ensuring your returns are filed and pay-
payment on your withholding account.
third-party bulk filers) must register with us
ments are made on time even if you con-
If you receive a notice, work with your
and give us a list of clients for whom they
tract with a payroll service company.
payroll service company to decide which of
provide tax services. They are required to
you will contact us to correct your account.
send us any tax they collect from clients
For details, see Fact Sheet 5.
Third-Party Bulk Filers - Payroll Service Providers
A third-party bulk filer—also known as a
You can find file layout information on our
File Returns and Deposit Tax Electronically
payroll service provider—is a person or
website. Type File Formats in the Search
As a third-party bulk filer, you are required
company who has custody or control over
to file returns, make deposits, and submit
another employer’s funds for the purpose of
W-2 and 1099 information electronically
Update Client Information
filing returns and depositing tax withheld.
using e-Services.
You must provide us with updated client
Register for a Minnesota tax ID number
information at least once per month if you
When filing returns, you can manually enter
Both you as a third-party bulk filer and
have clients to add or remove. To update
each client’s filing information or send an
each of your clients, must have a valid
client information, go to our website and
electronic file (in a spreadsheet format) that
Minnesota tax ID number. To get a tax
login to e-Services.
contains the information for your clients.
ID number, go to our website and click
Both options use the e-Services system.
For additional information, including
Business Center under For Businesses,
registering and responsibilities, see Fact
or call 651-282-5225 or 1-800-657-3605
Sheet 5.
during business hours.


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