Minnesota Income Tax Withholding Instruction Booklet And Tax Tables - 2018 Page 14


Penalties and Interest
• Do not submit a W-2 or information return
Late-payment penalty
Repeat penalty
electronically when required (see page 12
If you pay all or part of the tax after the
An additional 25 percent (.25) penalty
for electronic filing requirements)
due date, you must pay a penalty. The late-
can be assessed if you repeatedly file
payment penalty applies to late deposits
and pay late.
• Provide a false or fraudulent W-2 or infor-
and late return payments. If your payment
mation return
Extended delinquency penalty
is 1 to 30 days late, the penalty is 5 percent
• Refuse to provide all information required
There is a 5 percent (.05) or $100 pen-
(.05) of the unpaid tax; 31 to 60 days late,
on the forms
alty, whichever is greater, for failure to
10 percent (.1); more than 60 days late, 15
file a withholding tax return within 30
The total W-2 and information return penal-
percent (.15).
days after a written demand is given.
ties assessed cannot exceed $25,000 per year.
Late-filing penalty
W-2 and information return penalties
There is an additional 5 percent (.05) pen-
A $50 penalty can be assessed each time
You must pay interest on both the amount you
alty on the unpaid tax if you file your return
send in late and the penalty. The interest rate
is 4 percent (.04).
• Do not provide a W-2 or information
Payment method
return to your payees
To calculate how much interest you owe, use
There is a 5 percent (.05) penalty if you
• Do not provide a W-2 or information
the formula below:
are required to make your withholding tax
return to us
payments electronically and you pay by
Interest = (tax + penalty) x # of days late x
paper check.
interest rate ÷ 365
Amend a Return
If an error was made on a withholding
You must also enter contact information
Note: You must send us Forms W-2c and
tax return that was filed, you must amend
and a detailed explanation of why you are
any corrected Forms 1099 with Minnesota
(change) your return to correct the error
amending the return.
withholding. For more information, see
using e-Services.
page 13.
For additional information, see the
You are required to file an amended return
Withholding Tax Help link available in
for each return requiring an adjustment.
e-Services. If you do not have Internet
You must file an amended return if you:
access and you only need to change the
wages paid or number of employees, call
• Reported incorrect figures for wages
1-800-570-3329 to amend your return.
If you need to change the tax withheld,
• Reported an incorrect number of
call 651-282-9999 or 1-800-657-3594 for
• Reported an incorrect amount of tax
withheld for the period


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