Minnesota Income Tax Withholding Instruction Booklet And Tax Tables - 2018 Page 11


File Electronically
Pay the Balance Due
Minnesota withholding tax returns must be
By Credit or Debit Card
filed electronically by Internet or by phone.
For a fee, you can pay your tax by credit
If you owe additional tax, you must pay it
You can file current, past-due, and amended
or debit card through Value Payment
in one of the following ways:
Systems, LLC. To use this service, go to
Electronically with e-Services
or call 1-855-947-2966.
For additional information, see the
You can pay when you file your return.
Withholding Tax Help link available in
Bank Wire
Follow the prompts on the Internet or tele-
You can authorize a direct transfer from
phone system. You will need your bank’s
your bank account to the Minnesota
routing number and your account number.
What You Need
Department of Revenue. For information on
When paying electronically, you must use
how to make a bank wire transfer, call us at
To file, you need the following:
an account not associated with any foreign
651-556-3003 or 1-800-657-3909.
• Your user name (or Minnesota tax ID
By Paper Check
number, if filing by phone) and password
Note: If you pay electronically using e-Ser-
If you are not required to pay electronically
vices, you can view a record of your pay-
• Your completed Worksheet A or B (page
(see “Electronic Deposit Requirements” on
ments. Access your withholding tax account
10) for the period for which you are filing
page 8), you may choose to pay by check.
and choose Manage payments under the I
• Your bank’s nine-digit routing number
You must mail your payment with a person-
Want To menu.
and your bank account number (if you
alized payment voucher.
are making a payment with your return)
If you currently have a debit filter on your
Go to our website and choose Make a
bank account, you must let your bank know
You must be registered for withholding
Payment under For Businesses. Enter the
to add our new ACH Company ID as an
tax for the period you wish to file. To
required information and print the voucher.
exception. The new ACH Company ID is
register or update your business informa-
A personalized scan line will be printed at
X416007162. If you do not add the number
tion, go to our website or contact Business
the bottom of the voucher using the infor-
when required, your payment transaction
Registration (see page 2 for contact
mation you provided.
will fail.
If you do not have Internet access, call us at
Electronically by ACH Credit Method
File by Internet
651-282-9999 or 1-800-657-3594 to ask us
ACH credit payments are initiated by you
to mail personalized vouchers to you.
Go to and login
through your financial institution. You
to e-Services for businesses.
authorize your bank to transfer funds to the
Your check authorizes us to make a one-
state’s bank account. The bank must use
time electronic fund transfer from your
You will need Internet access with a
ACH file formats, which are available on
account. You will not receive your canceled
browser that supports 128-bit encryption,
our website or by calling our office. You
such as Internet Explorer 8.0 to 11.0,
could be charged by your financial institu-
Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or higher, Google
tion for each transaction.
Chrome, or Safari 5.X.
File by Phone
If you do not have Internet access, call
1-800-570-3329 to file using a touch-tone
Forgot Your Password?
You can reset your password online from the e-Services home page by selecting the
Forgot Your Password? link.
You will need:
• Your username
• Answer to your security question
• A new password that is 8 - 16 characters long that contains both numbers and letters
Note: We will send an email with a link to reset your password.


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