Instructions For Form 1040-Ss - U.s. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including The Additional Child Tax Credit For Bona Fide Residents Of Puerto Rico) - 2017 Page 10


capital. However, if you were a limited
tests for landlords are explained in Pub.
an estate that required extensive
partner, include only guaranteed
management activities over a long period
payments for services you actually
of time.
2. Cash or a payment-in-kind from the
rendered to or on behalf of the
Department of Agriculture for participating
13. Gain or loss from section 1256
in a land diversion program.
contracts or related property by an options
or commodities dealer in the normal
3. Payments for the use of rooms or
If you were a general partner, reduce
course of dealing in or trading section
other space when you also provided
lines 1a and 2 of Part V for any section
1256 contracts.
substantial services for the convenience of
179 expense deduction, oil or gas
your tenants. Examples are hotel rooms,
Income and Losses
depletion, and unreimbursed partnership
boarding houses, tourist camps or homes,
expenses. Attach an explanation of these
Not Included in Net Earnings
parking lots, warehouses, and storage
From Self-Employment
garages. See Pub. 334 for more
If your partnership was engaged solely
1. Salaries, fees, etc., subject to
in the operation of a group investment
4. Income from the retail sale of
social security or Medicare tax that you
program, earnings from the operation
newspapers and magazines if you were
received for performing services as an
aren't self-employment earnings for either
age 18 or older and kept the profits.
employee, including services performed
the general or limited partners.
as a public official (except as a fee basis
5. Income you receive as a direct
government employee as discussed in
seller. Newspaper carriers or distributors
If a partner died and the partnership
item 8 under
Other Income and Losses
of any age are direct sellers if certain
continued, include in self-employment
Included in Net Earnings From
conditions apply. See Pub. 334 for details.
income the deceased partner's distributive
Self-Employment, earlier).
6. Amounts received by current or
share of the partnership's ordinary income
2. Fees received for services
former self-employed insurance agents
or loss through the end of the month in
performed as a notary public. However, if
and salespersons that are:
which he or she died. See section 1402(f).
you have other earnings of $400 or more
a. Paid after retirement but figured as
subject to SE tax, on the dotted line next
If you were married and both you and
a percentage of commissions received
to Part V, line 3, enter “Exempt—Notary”
your spouse were partners in a
from the paying company before
and the amount of your net profit as a
partnership, each of you must report your
notary public included in line 2. Subtract
net earnings from self-employment from
b. Renewal commissions, or
that amount from the total of lines 1a, 1b,
the partnership. Each of you must
and 2 and enter the result on line 3.
c. Deferred commissions paid after
complete a separate Part V. If only one of
retirement for sales made before
you was a partner in a partnership, the
3. Income you received as a retired
spouse who was the partner must pay SE
partner under a written partnership plan
tax on all of his or her share of partnership
that provides lifelong periodic retirement
However, certain termination payments
payments if you had no other interest in
received by former insurance
the partnership and did not perform
salespersons aren't included in net
Community income. Your own
services for it during the year.
earnings from self-employment (as
distributive share of partnership income is
4. Income from real estate rentals if
explained in item 10 under
Income and
included in figuring your net earnings from
you did not receive the income in the
Losses Not Included in Net Earnings From
self-employment. Unlike the division of
course of a trade or business as a real
that income between spouses for figuring
estate dealer. Report this income in Part
income tax, no part of your share can be
7. Income of certain crew members of
IV if you and your spouse made an
included in figuring your spouse's net
fishing vessels with crews of normally
election to be taxed as a QJV.
earnings from self-employment.
fewer than 10 people. See Pub. 334 for
5. Income from farm rentals (including
rentals paid in crop shares) if, as landlord,
Share Farming
8. Fees as a state or local government
you did not materially participate in the
employee if you were paid only on a fee
You are considered self-employed if you
production, or management of the
basis and the job was not covered under a
produced crops or livestock on someone
production, of farm products on the land.
federal-state social security coverage
else's land for a share of the crops or
See Pub. 225 for details.
livestock produced (or a share of the
6. Payments you receive from the
proceeds from the sale of them). This
9. Interest received in the course of
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) if
applies even if you paid another person
any trade or business, such as interest on
you are receiving social security benefits
(an agent) to do the actual work or
notes or accounts receivable.
for retirement or disability. Deduct these
management for you. For details, see Pub.
10. Fees and other payments received
payments on line 1b of Part V.
by you for services as a director of a
7. Dividends on shares of stock and
interest on bonds, notes, etc., if you did
Other Income and Losses
11. Recapture amounts under sections
not receive the income in the course of
Included in Net Earnings
179 and 280F included in gross income
your trade or business as a dealer in
because the business use of the property
From Self-Employment
stocks or securities.
dropped to 50% or less. Do not include
1. Rental income from a farm if, as
8. Gain or loss from:
amounts you recaptured on the disposition
landlord, you materially participated in the
a. The sale or exchange of a capital
of property. See Form 4797.
production or management of the
12. Fees you received as a
production of farm products on the land.
b. Certain transactions in timber, coal,
professional fiduciary. This may also apply
This income is farm earnings. To
or domestic iron ore; or
to fees paid to you as a nonprofessional
determine if you materially participated in
fiduciary if the fees relate to active
c. The sale, exchange, involuntary
farm management or production, do not
participation in the operation of the
conversion, or other disposition of
consider the activities of any agent who
estate's business or the management of
property unless the property is stock in
acted for you. The material participation
Instructions for Form 1040-SS (2017)


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