Instructions For Form 2210 - Underpayment Of Estimated Tax By Individuals, Estates, And Trusts - 2017 Page 6


Form 2210 with your return. In certain circumstances, the IRS
will waive all or part of the underpayment penalty. See Waiver of
Penalty, earlier.
Section B—Figure the Penalty
Use the penalty worksheet (Worksheet for Form 2210, Part IV,
Section B-Figure the Penalty), later, to figure your penalty for
Line 1a, column (a), shows $4,000. You enter “4/30 $2,000” and
each period by applying the appropriate rate against each
underpayment shown in Section A, line 25. The penalty is
“6/15 $2,000” on line 1b, column (a). The remaining $1,000
figured for the number of days that each underpayment remains
($3,000 – $2,000) of the June 15 payment is entered on line 1b,
column (b), “6/15 $1,000.” Also enter “9/15 $3,000” on line 1b,
column (b), because $3,000 of the $4,000 September payment
Your payments are applied first to any underpayment balance
must be used to fully pay the June underpayment. Continue in
on an earlier installment even if you designate a payment for a
this manner until all your payments are used.
later period. See Example 2. Use lines 3, 6, 9, and 12 of the
Line 3. If more than one payment was applied to an
penalty worksheet to show the number of days an underpayment
underpayment on line 1a, enter the number of days each
remained unpaid. Use lines 4, 7, 10, and 13 to figure the actual
payment was late.
penalty amount by applying the appropriate rate to an
underpayment for the number of days it remained unpaid.
Example 4. Using the same facts as Example 3 above, enter
“15” (number of days from 4/15 to 4/30) and “61” (number of
Example 2. You had a $500 underpayment remaining after
days from 4/15 to 6/15) on line 3, column (a) (see illustration
your April 15 payment. The June 15 installment required a
under Example 5).
payment of $1,200. On June 10, you made a payment of $1,200
to cover the June 15 installment. However, $500 of this payment
Line 4. Make the computation requested on line 4 and enter the
is applied first to the April 15 installment. The penalty for the April
result. If more than one payment was required to fully satisfy an
15 installment is figured from April 15 to June 10 (56 days). The
underpayment amount, make a separate computation for each
amount remaining to be applied to the June 15 installment is
payment. See Example 5 and the example in Pub. 505,
chapter 4.
Total days per rate period. If an underpayment remained
Example 5. Assume the same facts as in Example 3. On
unpaid for an entire rate period, use the chart below to determine
line 4, enter the penalty for each underpayment: “$3.29” ($2,000
the number of days to enter in each column. The chart is
× (15 ÷ 365) × 0.04) and “$13.37” ($2,000 × (61 ÷ 365) × 0.04).
organized in the same format as the penalty worksheet.
The entries are illustrated below.
Table 2. Chart of Total Days
Rate Period
Days: 15
Days: 61
Column (a) is fully paid in the first rate period; therefore, lines
6, 7, 9, 10, 12, and 13 for column (a) would be blank. Continue
with the underpayment in columns (b), (c), and (d) in the same
For example, if you have an underpayment on line 25, column
Note: If an underpayment balance remains for the remaining
(a), but Table 1 shows you have no payments until after January
rate periods, calculate the penalty using the same steps as
2, 2018, you would enter “76” on line 3, column (a), of the
explained above, but use the dates and interest rates on lines 6
penalty worksheet.
and 7 for rate period 2, lines 9 and 10 for rate period 3, and lines
If you make a payment during a rate period, see Pub.
12 and 13 for rate period 4.
505, chapter 4, Table 4-1, for an easy way to figure the
Schedule AI—Annualized Income
number of days the payment is late.
Installment Method
Worksheet for Form 2210, Part IV,
If your income varied during the year because, for example, you
Section B—Figure the Penalty
operated your business on a seasonal basis or had a large
capital gain late in the year, you may be able to lower or
Line 1b. If more than one payment was applied to fully pay the
eliminate the amount of one or more required installments by
underpayment amount in a column (line 1a), enter on line 1b the
using the annualized income installment method. Use
date and amount applied up to the underpayment amount. If a
Schedule AI to figure the required installments to enter on Form
payment was more than the underpayment amount, enter the
2210, Part IV, line 18.
excess in the next column with the same date.
If you use Schedule AI for any payment due date, you
Example 3. Your required installment for each payment due
must use it for all payment due dates.
date is $4,000. You made the following estimated tax payments.
To use the annualized income installment method to figure
the penalty, you must do all of the following.
1. Complete Schedule AI, Part I (and Part II, if necessary).
Enter the amounts from Schedule AI, Part I, line 25, columns (a)
Instructions for Form 2210 (2017)


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