Church Donation Forms Page 6


Letter to Active Members and Friends
(Note: The letter should be signed by the pastor, chair of the Memorial Committee or other church leader who will
commit to making a gift to the Fund. The letter that follows is just an idea – the writer should customize it to their
situation! Include the donation form, an envelope addressed to the church and a brochure about your church’s Memorial
Fund or a Wish List if you have one. Ideally the letter should be sent about one month prior to the holiday you name,
Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Memorial Day…)
Dear _________________,
Mothers Day is coming! In the church we sometimes call the day the Festival of the Christian Home. I love that. This is
a day to celebrate all who instill the love of a grace-filled God into our everyday lives.
In my family growing up, this was both my mom and dad. Our home welcomed friends and new neighbors; we prayed
together daily and attended worship as a family; we helped people – some we knew and some we didn’t; we gave
money and time. And I remember the times mom and dad pointed out the modern-day faith stories that happen
around us.
So I have decided that the best way to honor my parents this year is by making a gift to the church Memorial Fund in
their honor. And I am inviting my sister and brother to join me. My folks passed on the faith to us, and I can think of no
better gift to honor them.
Who brought you to church for the very first time? Who taught you about Jesus? Who showed you what it means to
“love your neighbor”? Who showered you with love and forgiveness when you really blew it?
Be thankful for those who brought you to Christ. And consider a gift to the Memorial Fund in honor or tribute of these
lives well-lived.
Peace and Grace,
Enclosures – Donation Form, Wish List (if you have one) and Envelope addressed to the church


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