Church Donation Forms Page 4


Developing a Wish List & Brochure
Getting Started
With the input from Memorial Committee, trustees and staff (or other appropriate group in your church), develop a list
of things that would be useful to further the church’s ministry and/or “spruce up” the building. Before circulating the
list be sure to follow your church’s policies regarding approval of such items. Some churches require approval from the
Administrative Council or Trustees before such a list is circulated. Often churches confer with the honoree or their
family before the actual purchase is made.
The idea of a Wish List is to help people begin to dream about the kind of gift to the church that would best honor their
loved one or their love for the church- and to give them some idea about the cost of the item. The Wish List could be
formatted into a simple brochure for ongoing use. Just be sure to update the list at least annually! Some ideas of items
for a Wish List are listed below just to get you thinking. Anything circulated should say that gifts of any size are
welcomed, and that the dollar amounts are for information purposes only.
Though frequently used for donations to the Memorial Fund I remembrance of a loved on, the list can also be used for
gift ideas when people have received an inheritance, recently retired, or other special circumstance that rings them one-
time funds. The list should be reviewed in concert with the current vision and strategic plan of the church.
Suggestions for a Brochure
Honor, Memorial and Special Gift Fund
Wish List
Here are some ideas of items that will enhance our ministry and recognize and honor your loved one. If you have an
idea of a fitting memorial gift that is not on the list, please contact (insert name of contact) to discuss the possibilities.
Gifts of any amount are welcomed, and the gift does not need to cover the full dollar amount of these “wishes”. Some
families may wish to make additional contributions until a “wish” is fully funded so that it can be obtained for the church
in honor of their loved one.
Some Ideas for Gifts
Sponsor a youth outing
$100 - $1,000
Music for the choir
$100 - $500
Sponsor one person on the annual church mission trip
Sponsor a Concert
Sponsor a Celebration Meal for the annual stewardship campaign
Computer equipment upgrades for the office
Fund a mass mailing to our neighborhood
$2,000 each
Contemporary Worship Equipment
Attendance pads and holders
Updated furniture for meeting room
$2,000 - $5,000
Update church restrooms
Worship space carpeting
Paint for education rooms
$100 - $500 per room


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