Church Donation Forms Page 3


Newsletter Article
A Gift of Gratitude
Sundays in May and June are sometimes set aside to remember special loved ones – moms, dad, veterans, our mentors
and guides. Many have shown us how to live with integrity and faith by practicing their ministry day by day.
We might mark these occasions with flowers and neckties. Or we could offer our gratitude with a gift to the church’s
Memorial Fund in their honor.
The Church uses memorial gifts for a variety of needed items that are beyond the annual budget. (Insert here some
examples of items purchased with memorials during the last year or two). And your generosity passes on those
worthwhile values so they continue to influence the world around us.
And the church promptly notifies your loved one, or, if deceased, their family, that a gift in their honor has been
received (with no dollar amount). The Memorial Committee will be in contact regarding a specific use for the gift. (And,
on All Saints’ Sunday the gift will be dedicated to God’s glory and the ministry of the Church).
Make your gift by completing and returning this form or by contacting (insert name of trusted person who will give more
Insert Name of Church
Enclosed is my gift of: $25 $50 $100 $250 Other $___________
In Memory of
In Honor of
Name ______________________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________
City/St/Zip __________________________________________________________________________
Telephone __________________________________________________________________________
Please send acknowledgment to the following:
Name ______________________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________
City/St/Zip __________________________________________________________________________
Telephone __________________________________________________________________________
Relationship to honoree _______________________________________________________________


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