Church Donation Forms Page 2


Bulletin Insert
A Gift of Gratitude
(Insert Name of Church)
Sundays in May and June are sometimes set aside to
Enclosed is my gift of: $25 $50 $100 $250 Other __________
remember special loved ones – moms, dad, veterans, our
mentors and guides. Many have shown us how to live with
In Memory of
In Honor of
integrity and faith by practicing their ministry day by day.
Remember and celebrate these lives with a gift to the
Church’s Memorial Fund. And your generosity will pass on
Name _________________________________________________________
those worthwhile values so they continue to influence the
Address _______________________________________________________
world around us.
City/St/Zip____ _________________________________________________
The church will promptly notify your loved one, or, if
deceased, their family, that a gift in their honor has been
Telephone _____________________________________________________
received (with no dollar amount).
Please send acknowledgment to the following:
Name _________________________________________________________
Make your gift by completing and returning the form on the
other side of this page. Or contact (insert name of trusted
Address _______________________________________________________
person who will give more information)for more
City/St/Zip _____________________________________________________
Telephone _____________________________________________________
Relationship to honoree _________________________________________


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