Form Rp-412-A - Industrial Development Agencies Application For Real Property Tax Exemption Page 2

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RP-412-a (1/95)
c. Municipal corporations to which payments will
d. Person or entity responsible for payment
be made
Yes No
Name ____________________________
County _____________________
Title ____________________________
Town/City ___________________
Village ______________________
Address __________________________
School District ________________
e. Is the IDA the owner of the property?
No (check one)
If “No” identify owner and explain IDA rights or interest
Telephone ________________________
in an attached statement.
6. Is the property receiving or has the property ever received any other exemption from real property taxation?
(check one)
If yes, list the statutory exemption reference and assessment roll year on which granted:
exemption ___________________________ assessment roll year ____________________________
7. A copy of this application, including all attachments, has been mailed or delivered on ___________ (date)
to the chief executive official of each municipality within which the project is located as indicated in Item 3.
I, ___________________________________________ , _________________________________ of
_____________________________________________________ hereby certify that the information
on this application and accompanying papers constitutes a true statement of facts.
Clear Form
_____________________________________FOR USE BY ASSESSOR________________________________
1. Date application filed ___________________________________________
2. Applicable taxable status date ____________________________________
3a. Agreement (or extract) date _____________________________________
3b. Projected exemption expiration (year) _____________________________
4. Assessed valuation of parcel in first year of exemption $ _______________
5. Special assessments and special as valorem levies for which the parcel is liable:
Assessor’s signature


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