Ade Form 718 - Permanent Agreement Page 8


Child Nutrition Programs
1535 West Jefferson Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Revised May 2011
CFDA# 10.558
A.G. Contract No. KR02-1170-ALS
Upon review or audit by ADE or an appointed representative thereof, any SPONSOR found
to be out of compliance with 7 CFR part 226, this Agreement, or ADE PROGRAM Policy
Manual will be deemed as Seriously Deficient.
A Corrective Action Plan will be
implemented, defining corrective action to be taken by the SPONSOR and the timelines in
which the actions shall be completed. Failure to complete and maintain the Corrective
Action required by ADE within the specified timelines is cause for termination from the
PROGRAM. Serious Deficiencies include, but are not limited to, any of the following:
1. Noncompliance with the applicable bid procedures and contract requirements of Federal
Child Nutrition Program regulation;
2. The submission of false information to ADE;
3. Failure to return to ADE any advance payments which exceed the amount earned for
serving eligible meals, or failure to return disallowed start-up or expansion payments;
4. Failure to maintain adequate records;
5. Failure to adjust meals ordered or planned to conform to variations in the number of
6. Claiming of PROGRAM payments for meals not served to participants;
7. Claiming for meals that do not meet the PROGRAM requirements.
8. Continued use of food service management companies that are in violation of health
9. Failure of a sponsoring organization to disburse payments to its facilities in accordance
with its management plan;
10. A history of administrative or financial mismanagement in any Federal Child Nutrition
11. The claiming of PROGRAM payment for meals served by a proprietary Title XX child
care center during a calendar month in which less than 25% of enrolled children or 25%
of licensed capacity, whichever number is less, were Title XX beneficiaries. In the case
of an adult day care center, the claiming of PROGRAM payment for meals served by a
proprietary Title XIX or Title XX center during a calendar month in which less than
25% of enrolled adult participants were Title XIX or Title XX beneficiaries.
12. Failure to properly train or monitor facilities;
13. Use of family childcare home funds for sponsor administration responsibilities;
14. Failure to classify family childcare home providers as Tier 1 or Tier 2;
15. Failure to perform financial and administrative responsibilities;
16. Failure to operate the PROGRAM in conformance to performance standards;
17. Conviction of institution or principals indicating lack of integrity;
18. Institution or principals listed on the National Disqualified List;
19. Any other action affecting the ability to administer the PROGRAM in accordance
with the PROGRAM requirements.
20. Failure to implement and administer family childcare home provider reviews and
termination provisions; and
21. Institution or principals declared ineligible for any other public program which
violated that program’s requirements (unless reinstated/eligible for that program).
ADE FORM 718 (799)


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