Minnesota Income Tax Withholding Instruction Booklet And Tax Tables - Minnesota Department Of Revenue - 2016 Page 6


Forms for Minnesota Withholding Tax
Employee’s Withholding Allowance
ing to be deducted each pay period; or
An employer may be assessed a $50 penalty for
each required Form W-4MN not filed with the
• claims to be exempt from Minnesota
income tax withholding. The employee
Federal Withholding Allowances.
must qualify by meeting one of the
must have all new employees complete
Federal Form W-4P
requirements listed in section 2 of Form
federal Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding
Withholding Certificate for Pension or
Allowance Certificate, (available at
Annuity Payments
gov) when they begin employment to deter-
You are not required to verify the number
Withhold Minnesota income tax from pen-
mine the number of federal withholding
of withholding allowances claimed by each
sion and annuity payments only if the recipient
allowances to claim.
employee. You should honor each Form
requests that you withhold.
If a new employee does not give you a com-
W-4 and W-4MN unless you are instructed
If you agree to withhold, ask the person to fill out
pleted Form W-4 before the first wage pay-
differently by the department.
federal Form W-4P (available at gov)
ment, withhold tax as if he or she is single
When to send Form W-4MN copies to the
and return it to you. Write “Minnesota only”
with zero withholding allowances.
department. Send copies of Form W-4MN
across the top of the Minnesota copy.
Keep all forms in your records.
to the department at the address provided
Use the withholding tables on pages 16-33 to
on the form if:
Minnesota Withholding Allowances.
determine how much to withhold. The with-
• the employee claims more than 10 Min-
the employee chooses the same number of
holding amount is determined as though the
nesota withholding allowances;
Minnesota allowances as federal and the
annuity was a payment of wages.
• the employee claims to be exempt from
number claimed is 10 or less, use the same
Minnesota withholding and you reason-
If you use a computer to determine how much to
number of allowances reported on Form
withhold, use the formula on page 34.
ably expect the wages to exceed $200 per
W-4 to determine the employee’s Minnesota
week, unless he or she is a resident of
withholding. There is no need for the
The wage total entered on your withholding tax
a reciprocity state (see page 4) and has
employee to complete a separate form for
return should not include pension and annuity
completed Form MWR; or
Minnesota purposes.
• you believe the employee is not entitled to
However, the employee must provide you
However, the total amount withheld includes the
the number of allowances claimed.
with a completed Form W-4MN, Minnesota
tax withheld from pension and annuity payments
Note: If an employee claims to be exempt
Employee Withholding Allowance/Exemption
as well as the tax withheld from your employees’
from Minnesota withholding, you need to
Certificate, if the employee:
have them complete a new Form W-4MN
• chooses to claim fewer Minnesota with-
Provide a Form 1099-R to the pension and
each year.
holding allowances than for federal
annuity recipient at year end showing payment
Penalties. Minnesota law imposes a $500
and withholding amounts.
penalty on any employee who knowingly
• chooses to claim more than 10 Minnesota
Keep all Forms W-4P in your records.
files an incorrect Minnesota Withholding
withholding allowances;
Allowance/Exemption Certificate.
• requests additional Minnesota withhold-


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