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Line 2a. Trade Name/Doing Business As. If the taxpayer
Additional space is provided on page 1, part B, 5a. Mark
will be doing business under any name other than the
the following on the form:
name on Line 1, the “trade name” should be typed/printed
Is your business in a special taxing district?
here. Trade names must be registered with the Colorado
Do you rent out items for 30 days or less?
Secretary of State.
Do you sell alcohol?
Do you rent motor vehicles for 30 days or less?
Line 2b. Federal Employer Identification Number
Do you sell prepaid wireless?
(FEIN). An FEIN is required to open a new account with the
Do you sell tobacco products?
Colorado Department of Revenue. FEINs are issued by the
Do you sell medical marijuana?
Internal Revenue Service, Individuals (Sole
Do you sell adult usage marijuana?
Proprietors) can use their social security numbers. All other
entities must have a FEIN number.
Lines 6a through 7f. Owner/Partner/Corp. Officer.
Line 2c. Social Security Number (SSN). Enter the Social
All organizations, including sole proprietors, must
Security number of the owner if this is an application for an
complete these lines. Type/print the name, title, FEIN
individual (Sole Proprietor). If the Sole Proprietor has an
(Federal Employer Identification Number), social security
FEIN number, complete Line 2b.
number, and home address of each individual, partner,
corporate officer or member. If there are more than two
Line 3a. Principal Place of Business. This is the address
owners, attach a separate sheet and provide the same
of the organization's/entity's principle place of business
information for additional owners. For a partnership
in Colorado. Do Not use a post office box. If you do not
between corporations or limited liability companies, list
have a physical location in Colorado, type/print a brief
each legal name, address, and FEIN separately.
explanation (e.g., sales representative only). If the principal
place of business is a rental property (example: condo,
Lines 8a through 8c. Prior Taxpayer Name. If you
apartment, or townhouse), list the address of the rental
purchased the business, enter the information about the
unit. The leasing company or manager should be at the
previous taxpayer and the date you acquired the business.
mailing address.
Enter the prior taxpayer’s Federal Employer Identification
Number (FEIN).
• If the application is for a Retailers Use account, use the
principal place of business in your state.
Section C—Sales Tax
• If a business will be operating from variable locations,
enter “Mobile.”
Box 1. Seasonal Businesses. If your business sells a
product only during certain months each year, mark the
• For sales tax purposes only, if a business will have
multiple fixed locations, a separate application must be
months of sales. You must file a separate sales tax return
filed for each location.
for each month.
Line 3b. Enter the county in which your principal place
Box 2a. Filing Frequency.
of business is located. If you are not sure which county,
If you are a retail business and collect an amount of $15
refer to the DR 1002 available on the department’s Web
or less in tax each month, you may file annually.
site at under “Forms."
• If you are a retail business and collect less than $300 in
Line 3c. Enter the city in which your principal place of
tax each month, you must file a return each quarter.
business is located.
• If you collect $300 or more in tax each month,
Line 3d. Enter the telephone number for your business.
you must file monthly.
Line 4a. Name. If you want mail sent to an individual or in
• Businesses that pay more than $75,000 per year in state
care of (c/o), enter the name of the person here.
sales tax must pay by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
You must complete the form "Authorization for Electronic
Line 4b. Telephone. Enter the telephone number for the
Forms Transfer" (DR 5785). See e-Payment Options at
mailing address.
Line 4c. Mailing Address. Enter the street address, city,
• Wholesale businesses with a sales tax liability of $180 per
state and zip code where the business or organization will
year or less can file annually. If sales tax liability exceeds
receive mail from the department.
$180 per year, a retail sales tax license is required.
Line 5. List Specific products and/or Services you
Box 2b. First Day of Sales. Enter the date you will begin
provide and explain in detail. Write a brief description
sales. Note: You are advised to use an earlier date so
of products, services and/or function of the business/
that you can use your sales tax license to purchase items
organization. The information you provide will help us
tax-exempt for resale. However, sales tax returns are due
determine the appropriate North American Industry
effective the date that you report in this box.
Classification System (NAICS) code for your business.
It will also help us get tax information and updates to you,
depending on your business type.


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