Arkansas River, Point Bar Placer Area Notification - Bureau Of Land Management - 2017 Page 2


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General Conditions of Use
All Placer Activities:
All Motorized/Mechanized Operations at Point Bar:
Streamside (riparian) vegetation shall not be
Operations at Point Bar are prohibited between
damaged by operations.
October 1 and March 31to protect brown trout during
the fish spawning period.
Motorized vehicles are restricted to designated roads
and parking areas and shall be kept at least 20 feet
Operations shall not take place within 200 feet of a
from the edge of the stream, and away from wet or
public water supply intake, fish hatchery intake,
muddy areas next to the stream, streamside
irrigation diversion structure, bridge support,
vegetation or wetlands.
developed recreational sites, or boat ramp, as
On shore excavation locations shall be refilled upon
completion of work. If the operator leaves the area
A mechanized device is considered a piece of
for more than a two-day period, this work must be
equipment with moving parts (i.e. hand crank,
completed prior to departure.
pumps, motors, wheels, etc.)
All trash, debris, or other items that were brought to
On Shore High Banking or Similar Activity
the area, shall be removed to an approved disposal
site when work is completed.
A small settling pond or area that prevents direct
return of processed water to the river or stream is
Control erosion and water runoff.
required for all high banking activities.
Take measures to isolate, remove, or control toxic
Water being used for this operation needs to be
returned to same part of the waterway,
Reshape and re-vegetate disturbed areas where
immediately following processing and settling.
reasonable and practicable.
Disturbance or undercutting of trees is not
Maintain equipment, and other facilities, in a safe and
orderly manner.
The only disturbance authorized within the
Do not collect or disturb historic or archaeological
stream area is the placement of water pumps.
resources or sites.
Construction of diversion ditches, road building
All operations are required to comply with applicable
or other significant earth work is not authorized.
state or federal regulations pertaining to threatened
On-shore work areas are limited to those areas at
and endangered species.
least 20 feet from the stream and outside of any
Unnecessary and undue degradation of public lands is
riparian zones (stream side or wetland
not authorized.
vegetation). Riparian vegetation shall not be
damaged by operations.
Refueling of motorized equipment shall take
You must not camp longer than 14 days in any 30
place at least 20-feet from any waterway or
day period, at any one location, including any
wetland area
campground on public land. After the 14 days have
been reached, you must move at least 30 air miles
In Stream Suction Dredging or Similar Activity
away from the previously occupied location.
Materials too large in size to be moved by hand
All campers are required at a minimum to carry and
or hand held implements shall remain
use a portable toilet (if no facilities are available) and
fire pan.
Anchorage systems for suction dredging
operations shall not span the stream or interfere
with the passage of watercraft.
Gasoline engines must be filled in a manner that
prevents spills into the river and fuel stored at
least 100 feet from the river.


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