Grade Change Request Form Page 2


Course Policies
In all cases, consult the academic catalog for complete policies and procedures
Incomplete Grade Policy Guidelines
The Incomplete Grade “I” option will not be listed as a choice for instructors on course syllabus. The student
assumes the responsibility for requesting an incomplete grade.
If the student has not officially requested and received approval for an incomplete grade before the deadline (the
last day of final exams for the semester), the instructor enters a final grade for the work completed up to the point of the
grading deadline for the semester. If the instructor does not enter a grade, the Registrar’s Office will assign and “F” grade.
The student applies for an incomplete by submitting an Incomplete Request Form to the instructor. The instructor will
inform the student as to whether the request has been approved or not approved and will then submit the Incomplete
Request Form with his/her signature to the Registrar’s Office to be filed in student’s records.
The length of an Incomplete Grade “I” will be no later than three weeks (LEAD Program) or four weeks (Pre-LEAD
and Online courses) or six weeks (Traditional and BLEND courses) from the end of the course. An extension beyond the
given time frame must be filed by the student by Academic Petition. If the work has not been completed and submitted to
the instructor by the deadline, the instructor will submit a final grade to the Registrar’s Office based on the work
completed. An Incomplete Grade “I” makes the student ineligible for the Dean’s List.


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