Form I-687 - Application For Status As A Temporary Resident Under Section 245a Of The Immigration And Nationality Act Page 4

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Complete Form I-687 - Application For Status As A Temporary Resident Under Section 245a Of The Immigration And Nationality Act with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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31. AFFILIATIONS OR ASSOCIATIONS: List all affiliations or associations, clubs, organizations, churches, unions, businesses,
etc. to which you belong or have belonged. If you need more space to complete, use a separate sheet of paper. Write your name
and Alien Registration Number (A-Number), if any, at the top of each sheet of paper and indicate on the sheet that the information
refers to Number 31.
Name of Organization
Location (City and State)
From (mm/yyyy)
To (mm/yyyy)
32. ABSENCES FROM THE UNITED STATES SINCE FIRST ENTRY: List most recent absence first and then all previous
absences dating back to your first entry. If you need more space to complete, use a separate sheet of paper. Write your name and
Alien Registration Number (A-Number), if any, at the top of each sheet of paper and indicate on the sheet that the information
refers to Number 32.
Manner of Reentry
From (mm/yyyy)
To (mm/yyyy)
Purpose of Trip
(type of visa, EWI)
Form I-687 (11/23/10) Y Page 4


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