Form St-7 - Maine Revenue Services Sales And Use Tax Return Page 3


Specific Instructions for the Sales and Use Tax Return
Please note: This return must be filed even if there are no taxable sales to report.
Important: If your business is engaged in selling extended cable or satellite TV services, fabrication services, video rentals, telecommunication
services, is a Private Non-Medical Institution, provides Community Support Services for persons with Mental Health Diagnoses, Community
Support Services for persons with Mental Retardation or Autism or Home Support Services or is engaged in rent-to-own transactions, DO NOT
report these transactions on this return. You must file a “Service Provider Tax Return” to report the service provider tax on these transactions.
Line 1 - Gross Sales. Enter the total amount of ALL sales and services, including sales for resale and all other exempt sales. Do not include in this amount sales tax charged to
customers, nor the value of returned merchandise for which a full credit or refund was given to the customer.
Line 2a - Exempt Sales. Enter the total amount of sales on which no tax was charged. Include in this line items sold with a valid resale certificate, wholesale sales, items sold to
a consignment shop or group shop, services that were not taxable, items sold to entities that hold a valid Permanent Exemption Certificate issued by Maine Revenue Services, or
customer refunds that were reported as sales in previous periods.
Line 2b – Bad Debts . Enter the total amount of bad debts actually charged off on the books of this retailer. The deduction may be made only with respect to taxable sales
which were originally reported as taxable by this retailer, and on which tax has been paid by this retailer to the State. (See Instructional Bulletin #29 for more information on
bad debt deductions.)
Line 3 - Industrial Energy Sales. If you have sold fuel or electricity to a manufacturing facility, enter 95% of those sales here.
Line 4 - Sales Subject to Tax. Subtract lines 2a, 2b, and 3 from line 1. This amount represents all taxable sales that are detailed in lines 5 through 9.
Line 5 – Prepared Food Sales. Enter the total sales for the period that represents sales of food and drink prepared by the retailer. Multiply this amount by 7% and enter the
result in line 5A.
Line 6 - Sales Subject to 5% tax. Enter all sales subject to 5% tax. Multiply this amount by 5% and enter the result in line 6A. Effective September 20, 2007 include in this
line all sales of extended warranties on automobiles.
Line 7 - Long Term Rentals of Automobiles. Enter all taxable rentals of automobiles for 12 months or more. Multiply this amount by 5% and enter the result in line 7A.
Line 8 - Rentals of Lodging. Enter the total taxable rentals charged for living quarters in hotels, motels, rooming houses and tourist or trailer camps. Multiply this amount by
7% and enter the result in line 8A.
Line 9 - Short Term Rentals of Automobiles. Enter the total taxable rentals charged for short-term rentals of automobiles (rentals for less than 12 months). Multiply this
amount by 10% and enter the result in line 9A.
Line 10 & 10A - Total lines 5 through 9 and 5A through 9A. Total of lines 5 through 9 must agree with line 4 (Sales Subject to Tax).
Line 11 - Industrial Energy Purchases. Enter 5% of your purchases of fuel and electricity used at a manufacturing site on which the Maine sales tax or its equivalent has not
been paid. Multiply this amount by 5% and enter the result in line 11A.
Line 12 - Other Taxable Purchases. Enter the amount of taxable purchases, other than fuel and electricity reported in line 11, on which Maine sales tax or its equivalent has
not been paid. This includes items that were withdrawn from inventory for use by the business, items purchased in a non-taxing jurisdiction for use in Maine, and items that
were purchased with a Maine Resale Certificate that have been deemed taxable. Multiply this amount by 5% and enter the result on line 12A.
Line 13 - Tires and Lead-Acid Batteries. Enter the total number of tires and lead-acid batteries sold during this period that are subject to the recycling assistance fee. Multiply
this amount by $1.00 and enter the result on line 13A.
Line 14A – Gasoline Engine Oils. Enter the total amount of premiums on sales of gasoline engine motor vehicle oils in packages containing more than 5 gallons subject to a
$1.10 per gallon premium.
Line 14B - Diesel Engine Oils. Enter the total amount of premiums on sales of diesel engine motor vehicle oils subject to a 35¢ per gallon premium.
Line 14C - All Other Motor Vehicle Oil Premiums. Enter the total amount of premiums on sales of all other motor vehicle oils in containers of 5 gallons or less subject to a
35¢ per gallon premium.
Line 15A - E-911 Prepaid Wireless Surcharge. The amount of the prepaid wireless surcharge due is equal to the number of prepaid wireless card transactions (whether sold
individually or as part of a phone package) times 45¢. For example: 100 cards sold X .45 = $45. Enter this value on Line 15A. Note: If you are a retailer who is not a prepaid
wireless telecommunications service provider, you may multiply this amount by .97 ($45 X .97 = $43.65) and report the lower value.
Line 16 - Total Due. Total lines 10A through 15A.
Line 17 - Credit Carry Forward from Prior Period. If your prior return resulted in a credit balance and you have received a notice from Maine Revenue Services con-
firming this credit, enter the amount of your credit here.
Line 18 – Credit for Sales Tax Paid on Goods Purchased for Resale. If you have purchased goods during this period on which you have paid your supplier a sales tax and
those goods have been sold or are in inventory waiting to be resold, enter the amount of sales tax paid on those goods here.
Line 19 - Amount Due. Subtract lines 17 and 18 from line 16. (If the result is a credit amount, use line 20.)
Line 20 - Credit Due. If the result of subtracting lines 17 and 18 from line 16 is a credit, enter that amount here. This credit will automatically be forwarded to the next open
period. If you wish this credit to be refunded to you, you must check the box in line 20.


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