Form Dr 0002 - Colorado Direct Pay Permit Application Page 2


collected the local tax on the sale, or would have collected the
local tax except for the presentation of the direct pay permit.
The direct pay permit allows the holder to claim purchase point
Holders are liable for the tax avoided, even through unapproved
exemption from payment of Department administered sales
actions of their employees and suppliers. Where a valid local
taxes from the vendor. See form DR-1002 (available on the
sales tax is avoided by a direct pay permit holder, the local tax
internet ). All taxes avoided at the
must be remitted as direct pay sales tax [C.R.S. §§29-2-
point of purchase must be remitted within twenty days of the
106(3)(c)(II)]. Unpaid local sales taxes must be individually
close of the accounting period of the purchase, using a direct
identified by local entity and amount per local entity on the spread
pay sales tax return on the direct pay account number assigned.
sheet return. [C.R.S. §§39-26-103.5(l)(c) and related provisions,
HB99-1005.] Timely payment of the tax is not a substitute for filing
The direct pay permit issued by the Colorado Department of
a timely detailed spreadsheet return reporting the local distribu-
Revenue does not apply to sales taxes of any self collected
tion of the tax remitted. Failure to inform the Department of the
Colorado home rule municipality. Contact those municipal
correct distribution of state and local tax dollars through the
governments directly for their rules and requirements. The
required spreadsheet return will be grounds for revocation of the
direct pay permit is not applicable to short term rental and local
permit and imposition of penalties and vendors fee denial.
lodging taxes.
Permit holders may only claim vendors allowances on direct
pay sales tax remitted and reported timely on the appropriate
Applicant, for the preceding 12 month period must have
direct pay sales tax return format. No taxpayer may report
purchased at least $7,000,000 of goods which would be subject
normal consumers use tax as direct pay sales tax and thereby
to Colorado Sales or Use taxes, excluding purchases of resale
claim a vendors fee on use tax remittance. Tax shall be deemed
inventory and commodities or tangible personal property to be
consumers use tax if:
erected upon or affixed to real property. [C.R.S. 39-26-103.5(a)]
(1) before direct pay permission was granted, the tax-
payer had properly avoided sales tax on purchases
For the past three years, or for the time in business in Colorado
from a particular vendor due to another exemption,
if less, applicant must have timely reported and remitted all
taxes fees as required under Colorado tax statutes (C.R.S. title
(2) it was not necessary for the taxpayer to present the
39: sales, use, income, withholding, etc.).
direct pay permit or number to avoid sales tax charged
by the vendor, OR
Applicant has in place an accounting system that will enable the
(3) the vendor is not licensed to collect Colorado sales tax.
remittance and proper individual reporting of state, municipal,
county or other local entity sales taxes the Department of
Revenue collects. [C.R.S. 39-26-10(c)]
Permit holders must file direct pay state, city, county or district
You must attach a brief explanation of how your accounting
sales taxes in the manner and as frequently as specified by the
system will comply with and meet these state and local tax
Department, subject to periodic updates. Initial requirement will
identification and remittance requirements. Explain any provi-
be for monthly returns on a computer spreadsheet (paper)
sions you will make to limit the use of the direct pay permit to
return, based on an outline supplied by the Department. This
certain facilities or divisions and list the facilities and their
direct payment of sales tax permit status may be canceled or
locations. Explain how vendors who supply other facilities or
revoked at any time based on any delinquency of complete
divisions will be informed of limitations you apply to use of the
return information. Delinquent returns, payments or returns
direct pay permit, and how you will audit the vendors compli-
which provide incomplete information for any direct pay sales
ance to avoid municipal or county sales tax underpayment.
tax may be assessed penalties, interest or denial of vendors fee
by the Department. Any underpayments are subject to discov-
Permit holders must remit direct pay taxes for any local sales
ery on audit, assessment and collection.
tax administered by the Department, if the seller should have


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