Checklist For A Visa Applicatin For Tourist - Netherlands Visa Application Center Page 2


• At least €30,000 of medical costs are reimbursed.
• Medical costs, including hospital care, emergency treatment and
repatriation (including in the event
of death) are covered.
If your insurer will not provide an official document of this nature,
you should take out travel insurance
with appropriate medical cover for this trip with one that does.
Documents proving that you will return to your own country after
your trip. For example:
• A declaration from your employer, an employment contract or other
information proving you are employed in your country of origin.
• A document proving you are in education or training in your country
of origin.
• A document proving your children attend school in your country of
• A document proving you have a home or other immovable property
in your country of origin.
• A document proving you are a caregiver in your country of origin.
Documents proving your visit is for tourist purposes.
Hotel reservation(s) for the duration of your visit.
Bank statements of the last three months
If you are employed: a declaration from your employer stating the
period of your absence.
Visa fee:
Payment for visa fee must be made in cash.
I have been informed :
That my passport will be kept during the process of my visa application.
That an application without the complete set of documents according to the above mentioned
checklist may result in a rejection of my visa application.
That additional supporting documents may be requested from the competent authorities. In case
of refusal, visa fees are not refundable.
Applicant Signature


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