Trigonometry High School Examination Worksheet Template Page 32


Part II
For each question, use the specific criteria to award a maximum of 2 credits. Unless
otherwise specified, mathematically correct alternative solutions should be awarded
appropriate credit.
[2] 1810, and appropriate work is shown.
[1] Appropriate work is shown, but one computational error is made, but an
appropriate sum is stated.
[1] Appropriate work is shown, but one conceptual error is made, but an
appropriate sum is stated.
[1] Appropriate work is shown to find 176, but no further correct work is shown.
[1] 1810, but no work is shown.
[0] A zero response is completely incorrect, irrelevant, or incoherent or is a
correct answer that was obtained by an obviously incorrect procedure.
Algebra 2/Trigonometry Rating Guide – January ’13


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