Funding Request/grant Application Form


Funding   R equest/Grant   A pplication   F orm  
Type   o f   G rant  
□ Adult   P rogramming  
Program   N ame:  
□ Diversity   P rograms  
Program   S tart   D ate:    
    E nd   D ate:  
Existing   P rogram:     Y es           N o              
□ Scholarship  
Targeted   A udience:    
□ Sponsorship  
Estimated   N umber   o f   P articipants:    
□ Youth   T ennis   O utreach    
Funds/Grant   R equest   $  
GRETA’s   g rant   r eview   c ommittee   m eets   q uarterly   ( March,   J une,   S eptember   a nd   D ecember)   a nd   w ill   p resent   a ll   a pproved   r equests  
to   t he   B oard   o f   D irectors   a t   t he   m onthly   m eeting   f ollowing   t he   g rand   r eview   c ommittee   m eeting.  
Grant   a wards   h ave   a   m aximum   o f   $ 2500   U SD.      
One-­‐half   o f   t he   a pproved   f unds   w ill   b e   f orwarded   u pon   a pproval   b y   G RETA.  
The   b alance   o f   a pproved   f unds   w ill   b e   s ent   w hen   G RETA   r eceives   a   r eport   d emonstrating   t hat   m easurable   g oals   h ave   b een  
met   o r   e xplains   i n   s ufficient   d etail   w hy   t he   i nitial   g oals   w ere   n ot   o r   c ould   n ot   b e   m et,   t o   i nclude,   h ow   t he   g rantee   w ould  
proceed   w ith   b alance   o f   f unds   s o   t hat   p urpose   o f   t he   g rant   i s   m et.  
Factors   c onsidered   w hen   e valuating   a pplications   i nclude:     n umber   o f   p articipants,   w hether   t he   p rogram   i s   “ new”   o r  
expanded   t o   n ew   c onstituencies,   e ducational   c omponents,   l ength   o f   p rogram.  
Photographs   o f   p rogram   p articipants   a nd   a ctivities   s hould   b e   p rovided.     V ideos   a re   w elcomed.  
Program   g rant   r ecipients   a re   r equired   t o   a cknowledge   G RETA   o n   a ll   p rogram   p ublicity.  
Applications   s hould   b e   s ubmitted   t o:  
GRETA,   G reensboro   R egional   T ennis   A ssociation  
Attn:     C ommunity   T ennis   D irector  
I   h ereby   c ertify   t hat   t he   i nformation   c ontained   i n   t his   a pplication   i s   t ruthful.     I   u nderstand   t hat   i f   a   5 01(c)3  
organization   i s   n ot   p rovided   t hat   I /my   o rganization   i s   r esponsible   f or   t he   p ayment   o f   t axes   o n   t he   f unds   r eceived  
under   t he   g uidelines   o f   t he   I nternal   R evenue   S ervice.      
Authorized   S ignature:  
Printed   N ame:  
  Phone   C ontact:    


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