office), or common area maintenance. Rentals, leases, and licenses
transient rentals (Column 1) and enter the difference (the taxable
to use or occupy real property by related persons are also considered
commercial rentals (e.g., a corporate owner leases property to his
Column 4. Tax Due -
or her corporation). The $5,000 limitation for discretionary sales
surtax does not apply to commercial rentals.
Enter the total amount of tax due, including any discretionary
sales surtax due and any local option tax (for example, tourist
Column 1. Gross Sales -
development tax) administered by the Department of Revenue.
Enter the total amount of commercial rentals. Do not include tax
You must also report all discretionary sales surtax due on Line
collected in gross sales.
15(d). The $5,000 limitation for discretionary sales surtax does
not apply to transient rentals.
Column 2. Exempt Sales -
Enter the total amount of tax-exempt commercial rentals included
Line E. Food & Beverage Vending
in Line C, Column 1. Enter “0” if none. See section 212.031, Florida
Statutes (F.S.), and Rule 12A-1.070, Florida Administrative Code
If you operate food and beverage vending machines, compute your
(F.A.C.), for exemptions specifically available to commercial rentals.
gross sales by dividing the total receipts from the machine(s) by
the appropriate food and beverage divisor for the county where the
Column 3. Taxable Amount -
machine(s) is located.
Subtract total exempt commercial rentals from total gross
Column 1. Gross Sales -
commercial rentals and enter the difference (the taxable amount).
Enter the total amount of gross sales computed from food and
Column 4. Tax Due -
beverage vending machines receipts. Do not include tax collected
Enter the total amount of tax due, including discretionary sales
in gross sales.
surtax due. You must also report all discretionary sales surtax due
Column 2. Exempt Sales -
on Line 15(d).
Enter the total amount of tax-exempt sales included in Line E,
Line D. Transient Rentals
Column 1. Enter “0” if none.
Column 3. Taxable Amount -
Transient rentals are leases or rentals of living, sleeping, or
housekeeping accommodations, such as hotels, motels,
Subtract total exempt sales from total gross sales and enter the
single-family dwellings, multi-unit dwellings, apartments, rooming
taxable amount.
houses, condominiums, timeshare resorts, vacation houses, beach
Column 4. Tax Due -
houses, mobile homes, or any other living, sleeping, or housekeeping
Enter the total amount of tax due, including discretionary sales
accommodations. Transient rental taxes must be collected and
surtax due. You must also report all discretionary sales surtax due
paid on all rental charges, including any rental charges that are
on Line 15(d).
required to be paid by the guest as a condition of the use of the
accommodation, unless the rental charge is specifically exempt. See
Rule 12A-1.061, F.A.C., for more information on what constitutes a
Food and Beverage
“rental charge” and which rental charges are specifically exempt.
Some counties impose one or more local option taxes on
transient rentals. Many counties self-administer these local
option taxes. Contact your county taxing agency to determine
whether your county imposes one of these taxes and if you are
required to report and pay the taxes directly to your county
taxing agency or to the Department of Revenue.
Current transient rental tax information is listed on Form
DR-15TDT, posted on our website. This form lists county
The total receipts from a soft drink machine in a county with a combined
local option transient rental rates and whether the county or
sales and surtax rate of 6.5% total $100. Total receipts divided by the
the Department of Revenue is responsible for collecting and
food and beverage divisor for the 6.5% rate equals gross sales. Total
administering the local option transient rental tax.
receipts minus gross sales equals tax due, including discretionary
sales surtax due. Gross sales multiplied by the surtax rate equals
Column 1. Gross Sales -
discretionary sales surtax due.
Enter the total gross amounts (rental charges) charged for transient
$100 ÷ 1.0686 = $93.58 (gross sales)
$100 – $93.58 = $6.42 (tax due, including discretionary sales surtax due)
rentals only. Do not include tax collected in gross sales.
$93.58 x .005 = $.47 [discretionary sales surtax portion to be reported
Column 2. Exempt Sales -
on Line 15(d)]
Enter the total amount of tax-exempt transient rentals included in
Line D, Column 1. Enter “0” if none.
Line 5. Total Amount of Tax Due
Column 3. Taxable Amount -
Add all the amounts in Column 4, Lines A through E, and enter
Subtract total exempt transient rentals (Column 2) from total gross
the total amount of tax due.