Uniform Condominium Questionnaire Template Page 2


14. Does the unit owner own the lot or land below the unit or an undivided interest in common land?
( ) lot
( ) undivided interest.
15. Do the unit owners have sole ownership interest in and the right to the use of the project facilities ( ) YES ( ) NO.
If NO, please explain:____________________________________________________________________________________
16. Does the developer retain ownership interest in any of the facilities or common area? ( ) YES ( ) NO. If YES, please
17. Do the project documents allow the units to be leased or rented for less than a 30-day period? ( ) YES ( ) NO.
18. Are there any other restrictions relating to the term of any lease or rental agreement? ( ) YES ( ) NO. If YES, describe
19. Has voting control of the Board of Directors been turned over from the builder and/or developer?
( ) YES, control was turned over in __________________________________________________________ (Month/Year).
( ) NO, the anticipated date for the transfer of control is __________________________________________ (Month/Year).
20. The Owners’ Association fiscal year is from _______________________ to ________________________(Month/Year).
21. How many budget cycles have been controlled by the unit owners as a majority (as opposed to the developer)?
( ) NONE
( ) TWO
22. The unit assessment/common charges for all units are:
) The same, the assessment is $ _________________________ per month.
) Not the same, the assessments range from $_________________ to $ _________________ per month.
23. Do the unit assessments include any charges for unit utilities? ( )YES
( ) NO. If YES, please indicate which
24. As of the start of the current fiscal year, how many are delinquent more than thirty (30) days in their unit assessment charges?
#____________________. Total amount of outstanding delinquent charges is $____________________________________
25. Are there any special assessments now approved, or have there been any in the past two years? (
) YES ( ) NO. If YES,
describe the nature / purpose, the total amount, and the per unit charge. Nature / Purpose of assessment: __________________
_____________________________________. Total amount of assessment: $______________. Per unit charge: $___________.
26. Indicate if the project is (
) Self-Managed, or ( ) Managed by a management firm.
27. If a management firm manages the project, is it related to the developer? ( ) YES ( ) NO. If YES, describe the nature of
the relationship:_________________________________________________________________________________________.
Name:______________________________________ Company Name:____________________________________________
Address:_______________________________________________________________ Telephone #:_____________________
28. If an Owners’ Association employee manages the project, supply the following contact information:
Name:_____________________________________________ Title: _______________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________ Telephone #:_______________________
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information and statements contained on this
form and the attachments are true and correct.
_________________________________________________ _____________ __________________________________
Signature of Association Representative or Preparer
Telephone Number
Name of Association Representative or Preparer
Preparer’s Company Name and Address
U: Condo Info/Uniform Condo Questionnaire


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