Uniform Condominium Questionnaire Template


Project Name: ___________________________________________________________Date: __________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________
1. The legal name of this project is: __________________________________________________________________
It is a ( ) Condominium, or ( ) a Planned Unit Development (PUD).
2. If the project was (or is being) created by the conversion of an existing building, please provide the following:
Age of building:________ Year converted: ____________
Type of original use: _______________
3. The project (
) is ( ) is not a legally phased project. The project consists of _____ units in ____ legal phases.
4. Describe the unit sales. For a fully constructed project that has been sold out, complete the below information.
Total number of units in project
Single-Family Detached
Total number of units conveyed to purchases ______
Townhouse, Row, or Cluster
show breakdown below:
Garden ______ No. of stories
Total no. principal residence units conveyed ______
Mid-rise ______ No. of stories (3-5)
Total no. second home units conveyed
High-rise ______ No. of stories (6 or more) ______
Total no. investor -owned units conveyed
Other ______________________________________
Total no. units retained by developer/converter ______
5. Does any investor own more than one unit (
) NO. If YES, identify the investor, (the same individual,
investor group, partnership, or corporation) and indicates the total number of units owned by each such investor in the
6. Does any investor own more than ten percent of the total units in the project? (
) NO
7. The recreational amenities (other than those in a master association) include: (
) Pool # ______ (
) Clubhouse # ______ (
Tennis Court # _______ (
) Playground # ________
) Other __________( )
8. Are all units and facilities complete? (This included all amenities and common areas such as pool, tennis courts, roads, walkways,
parking areas, landscaping, clubhouse, and renovations associated with conversions.)
) NO
If NO, please provide the following: _______ units is _____ Phases have been completed. Describe the incomplete items:
9. Can the project be expanded beyond its current size? (
) NO
10. Is the Owners’ Association currently a party in any type of litigation or public administrative action (including any violations of
any environment or public health statutes and laws or current environmental or public health litigation or administrative action)?
) NO. If YES, describe the nature of the litigation or public action and attach any information
11. Has the Owners’ Association been notified of any violation of any government or land-use regulations (such as zoning
ordinances and coastal tideland or wetlands laws)? (
) YES (
) NO. If YES, describe the nature of the violation and attach
any information. __________________________________________________________________________________________
12. How is title to the units held: ______ Fee Simple ______ Leasehold. If Leasehold, please provide a copy of the lease.
13. Are there any leased recreational facilities or any common area leases? ( ) YES ( ) NO. If YES, please provide a copy
of the lease.
U: Condo Info/Uniform Condo Questionnaire


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