Worksheet Template For Preparing Your Birth Plan With Samples Page 8


Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
Felicia’s Preferences for Labor and Birth
Thanks for your support with the birth of Franklin James Johnson Jr.
His daddy is stationed in the Middle East right now and isn’t able to be home, so my sister will be supporting me.
The preferences I list here are what I think I will want and not want if labor is going well.
If problems come up, or I choose pain meds, I have in my hospital bag my Plan B, C, D . . . checklists and notes
about how I would want to handle each situation.
What I Think I’ll Want:
To start labor on my own. To stay home as long as possible
To move, sway, dance, use birth ball, take a shower or bath
Heating pads (no ice!)
To eat and drink as desired
I like massage on my body: back, hands, feet, etc.
Being able to choose my position for pushing, being coached on how to push well
After birth, baby in my arms—as soon as possible, Skype with Daddy so he can see his baby boy!
Lots of snuggling, and nursing
Please teach me how to swaddle and bathe
What I Don’t Want:
Induction, unless medically required
To feel trapped, thus I prefer to avoid IV, continuous monitoring, and other limits on movement
Please don’t touch my hair or my face
A pushing stage that goes on and on, please give me tips or interventions to speed it up if it goes on for more
than 90 minutes (sister pushed for 4 hours with her first)
Overnight, I may ask nurses to take the baby so I can rest, since my sister has to go home to her family, and
when I go home I’m on my own


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