Keeping Healthy Fact Sheet Classroom Poster Template Page 2


lungs – the organ that oxygenates the
addiction – when someone cannot stop
digestive system – the system in our
blood that is then circulated around the
taking harmful drugs e.g. cocaine, heroin,
bodies that takes food and turns it into
a form that can be moved through the
blood to provide energy to all parts of
nerves – the network of connections
alcoholic – a person who is addicted to
the body
between the brain and the body
the drug alcohol
drug – substances that have an effect
nicotine – the addictive drug contained in
artery – a blood vessel carrying blood
on the body
tobacco products – cigarettes and
away from the heart
energy – all living things need energy in
order to work – to move, grow etc. We
obesity – the state of being extremely
brain – the organ that controls the
eat food in order to provide the body
nervous system
with energy.
exercise – the process of repeated
capillaries – tiny blood vessels
organ – part of the body with a certain
movements that keep the heart, lungs,
job to do e.g. heart, brain, lungs, kidneys
bones, joints and muscles working .
carbon dioxide – the gas that our
heart – the muscular organ that pumps
oxygen – a gas found in air that we need
bodies produce and need to get rid of by
blood around the body
for breathing
breathing out
circulation – the process of moving
heart beat – the rhythmic
vein – a blood vessel carrying blood to
blood around the body
contractions of the heart muscle
the heart


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