St. Mary'S Rcva Primary School, Wingate Security Policy And Procedures Example School Security Policy Template Page 7


4. Risk Assessment
A security risk assessment will be completed annually by the Head Teacher/ Business Manager. The
findings will be used in the review of this security policy.
The risk assessment will use the format in the CAS School Health & Safety Policy & Procedures
5. Monitoring and Review
The Head Teacher will monitor the performance of this policy and report breaches, failings or security
related incidents to the
Finance & Premises Committee.
Governors will monitor performance via the Head Teachers termly report to governors and when
visiting school.
This policy will be reviewed annually by
Mrs. J. Lewin.
Signed -
Signed -
(Chair of committee)
(Head Teacher)
Date -
Date -
Review completed by - Mrs. M. Greener
Review Completed by - Mrs. J. lewin
Date - June 2016
Date - June 2016
H&S Manual
Further information
Issue Date
Next Review
Example - Security policy template
Aug 2014
Aug 2016
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