St. Mary'S Rcva Primary School, Wingate Security Policy And Procedures Example School Security Policy Template Page 6


At different times of the day the school security arrangements require the locking of various entrances
and exits as detailed below.
Please complete your schools own information below
Main gate – Unlocked by the caretaker at 7.00am and locked again at 6pm. They remain locked all
night and at weekend.
Side pedestrian gate – Only unlocked by the caretaker 8.30am to 9.05am and 3.00pm to 3.30pm
Main Building –All entrances except main reception locked by caretaker and kitchen door only opened
to allow deliveries & emptying of waste.
Children remain inside school building from 3pm once pedestrian gate is opened.
3.11 CCTV
The CCTV system is part of our security procedures. The system has the ability to record incidents to
enable evidence to be presented to the appropriate authorities. Signage throughout school informs
people of this.
3.12 Cash Handling
Schools should avoid keeping cash on the premises wherever possible. Safes should be used and
kept locked. Avoid handling cash in visible areas, any money requiring banking should be done at
irregular times, particularly where substantial sums are involved.
3.13 Valuable equipment
All items above the value of £25 will be recorded in the school stock book.
Items of valuable portable equipment with a value above £250 will not be left unattended in rooms
where there is public access. In such locations the room will be locked when it is vacated. Wherever
possible valuable items will also not be left where visible from outside.
The security risk assessment will take into account the location and security arrangements for high
value equipment, for example ICT equipment.
3.14 Personal Property
Personal property will remain the responsibility of its owner. This includes both staff and pupil personal
property. Both are discouraged from bringing to school any valuable personal property.
Lost property should be handed to the school office where it will be kept for 6 months before disposal.
3.15 Medicines
There are occasions when pupils may be prescribed treatment where medicines are needed during
school time. Parents will provide such medicines in suitable and labelled containers. These containers
will be locked in the schools medicine cabinet in
the PPA room.
The key is available from
the key
Arrangements for the administration of medicines are detailed in the medication in school policy.
H&S Manual
Further information
Issue Date
Next Review
Example - Security policy template
Aug 2014
Aug 2016
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