St. Mary'S Rcva Primary School, Wingate Security Policy And Procedures Example School Security Policy Template Page 4


3.4 Control of Visitors
The control of visitors is a fundamental part of our school’s security policy for the safeguarding of both
people and property.
Our policy is that –
 All visitors report to the reception desk on arrival.
 All visitors are issued with a badge to be worn at all times. This includes parents, helpers,
contractors, LA staff and any other person that is not school staff.
 Any person on site without a badge will be asked to accompany a member of staff to the reception
desk or asked to leave the site.
 Any refusal will be reported immediately to the Head Teacher. Any aggression will be reported to
the police.
 Visitors will not remove any items of school property without the express permission of school staff.
For their own safety any authorised visitors will be given appropriate information on the school’s
health & safety procedures such as parking, fire safety and first aid.
3.5 Supervision of pupils
The school’s overall safeguarding strategy requires that at times the security of pupils is achieved by
competent supervision by authorised school staff.
Locations where supervision is part of our safeguarding procedures –
 Crossing public track to reach the school field. Children are always supervised in this area and
visitors challenged. As communication is not easily possible whilst on the field, staff will ensure that
someone in school knows where they are, and what time they are expected to return. Early Years
staff will always be in pairs.
 The gate will remain closed at all times. KS2 children return to school in pairs, eg. Toileting needs
Times of the day when supervision is part of our safeguarding procedures –
 Start of school day – as all the gates are open to allow access this area is supervised 8.45am to
9.00am. Parents have been informed of these arrangements and that supervision does not start till
 After school sports clubs on the field – all parts of the school site without access control are
Our security arrangements also include the handover arrangements for the start and end of the school
 Drop off procedures – any deliveries will be dropped off via the main entrance except kitchen
deliveries which will be dropped off at the school kitchen, whose door will remain locked at all other
 Collection procedures - any collecttions will be collected via the main entrance except kitchen
deliveries which will be collected at the school kitchen, whose door will remain locked at all other
 At times when the Local Authority grounds staff are on site, children will remain indoors until their
H&S Manual
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Example - Security policy template
Aug 2014
Aug 2016
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