Accounts Receivable Collections Administrative Rule Page 10


The average debt balance of all accounts, the average dollar amount collected for all accounts,
the recovery rate expressed as a percentage, the average commission, and the commission
expressed as a percentage; and
For each of the items in Sections 3.30.05 and 3.30.06 above, a report categorized by the month
in which the debt was referred to Central Collection Services.
Assignment of Debts
All debts assigned by Central Collection Services to Private Counsel or Private Collection Agencies for
collection are subject to the terms and conditions set out in this rule.
A Private Collection Agency which has accepted a debt for collection shall at its own expense
employ legal counsel to pursue litigation necessary to collect the debt.
Participating Entity approval is required, in writing, prior to initiation of any litigation. If litigation is
filed, all costs, except for incidental expenses, associated with the litigation are the sole
responsibility of the Private Counsel and/or Private Collection Agency filing the litigation.
Incidental expenses paid by Private Counsel will be added to the debtor’s account balance and
will be reimbursed to Private Counsel by Central Collection Services the month following the
month in which the expense is incurred. Any funds collected on the account will first reduce
incidental expenses posted to the account. If the account is subsequently cancelled by the
Participating Entity, the incidental expenses not yet collected from the debtor will be billed to the
Participating Entity that cancelled the account.
A Private Counsel or Private Collection Agency which has been assigned a debt for collection
shall not compromise or release any debt so assigned without prior approval of the Originating
Agency, the Director of the Division of Finance and Procurement or the State Controller.
Private Counsel or Private Collection Agencies shall refer to the Department of Law all requests
by a Claimant State Entity for legal advice on questions of practice, policy, and procedure related
to the legal representation of the Claimant State Entity and shall not represent the State of
Colorado in any litigation without express authorization to do so by the Office of the Attorney
General. Central Collection Services shall be notified within three working days of any threatened
or actual legal action naming the State of Colorado or any of its State Agencies, institutions,
employees, or officers as a party to the action.
Restrictions on Private Counsel and Collection Agency Contracts
Any contract awarded to Private Counsel, Private Collection Agencies or to any Private Counsel retained
by the State of Colorado shall require that the individual or firm remain licensed and in good standing
under the respective occupational licensing statutes and/or regulation during the term of the contract.
Such contract shall require that a Private Counsel or Private Collection Agency shall at all times act in
compliance with the provisions of the “Colorado Fair Debt Collection Practices Act”, Article 14 of Title 12,
C.R.S., and in compliance with any rules or regulations promulgated by the Executive Director of the
Department of Personnel.
Every contract pursuant to this rule shall provide that Private Counsel or the Private Collection Agency, its
employees, agents, and legal counsel utilized by the Private Collection Agency, shall not violate any
provisions of the following:
The “Fair Debt Collection Practices Act”, Public Law 95-109, 15 U.S.C. 1691, et seq., and for this
purpose “special collection counsel” and legal counsel utilized by a collection agency shall be
deemed to be a “debt collector”,


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